Going dress shopping can be absolutely painful. I have two beautiful girls but finding a dress for a special event is super challenging. The right shape, price and color sometimes is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. That is why when my daughter showed me the design she wanted I told her to let me make a mock up dress and perhaps make her formal dress for the dance. Looking for a dress. We did go dress shopping but in the age of COVID, it is completely different. I always start my shopping with my teenagers with food. That's right we either go to Starbucks to get coffee and a sweet treat or eat lunch first. It is imperative to eat so we are not moody or sluggish. We had lunch at a beautiful French restaurant called Coquette Brasserie at North Hills . If you are in Raleigh, NC I highly recommend it. After lunch we hopped over to Crabtree Mall. We looked in Belk and in Macy's. I was crazy! There were mothers who found an employees bathroom that they were using as a d...