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Showing posts from January, 2010


Thank you for all of the wonderful fabric ideas!!! I can not wait to try All of them!  Our winner is The Fam. who wrote, " Oh glory! I'm looking for inspiration for my next quilt, I think you just did it! Scrap quilts are my all time favorite. Thanks for this fantastic giveaway." Just send me your snail mail address at Thanks again! ~Leah

Scrap Project Giveaway!

Scrap Projects Originally uploaded by Sew Spoiled I recently bought 6 half yards of beautiful fabric from the Meadowsweet Collection, Sandi Henderson, Michael Miller Fabrics from Fresh Squeezed on Etsy . Right away I began to calculate how many projects I could make and what combination would render the most! I cut out two medium size bags and still had enough to make a small buttercup bag , Tic Tac Toe Pincushion and a few appliquƩ birdies with Heat N Bond lite on the back (Just peel, iron and sew onto any project!) I am still working on the medium size bags but all of my extra scrap projects are part of my Sew Spoiled Giveaway this week!! This giveaway will run through midnight on January 28, 2010 with the winners being announced on January 29, 2010. The winner will be chosen using We will send it priority mail by February 1, 2010! All friends are welcome! What do you have to do to enter to win?? Just post a comment about what scrap happy projects you like to us...

Weekender Travel Tote

I hope you are doing well! I recently made another  Weekender Tote  from Vicki Payne's line of designer Home Decor fabrics ! I love the weight of the home decor material and the colors of these prints. If you are looking for this pattern you can find it at  Sew News   and in the Feb./March issue of their magazine. Make sure you check that you love it and save it to your favorites! The printable  templates  might help you cut the shape of the bag. If you do give this pattern a try add your Weekender Tote to the  Sew Spoiled flickr group !! Happy sewing! ~Leah

a little goes along way

T his week our school and local church has been collecting water to send to Haiti. The last count was at 300 crates. Maybe you have noticed the button to the right, Craft Hope ! Craft Hope has been collecting donations from all around the world and posting them on their Etsy Shop . All of the proceeds go to Doctors Without Boarde rs !! T hey have raised approximately $20,000!!! That is truly amazing!!  Jan. 20, Wednesday evening, they are planning to stop accepting donations.  I have donated the French Cuff PDF pattern !! Hopefully it will post tomorrow. Definitely go to Craft Hope's Etsy shop and look around. You might want to check back often because the list of items continues to change throughout the day! Fabric, patterns, bags, pictures and children clothes are just some of the items you might see here .  I fell in love with this patchwork pincushion from Creative Kismet .  If we all pull together a little goes along way.

Sew Spoiled News

Sew Spoiled News Originally uploaded by Sew Spoiled I still want to pinch myself every time I see it. I went into Barnes and Nobles today and bought two magazines. (Leaving only 2 for someone else.) My family is very excited! There are so many fun projects in this issue of Sew News of course the Weekender Tote , a Sewing Machine cover and great ways to  embellish any sewing project ! They are even hosting a fun contest called Sewing Idol!! Happy Sewing! ~Leah

Sew Spoiled Weekender Tote in Sew News!

Yesterday I was surprised to find a package left by the UPS man. I did not order anything??? Christmas is over??? Right? I took it inside to find my Sew Spoiled Weekender Tote! I was so thankful to have it back at home. Then I felt something else inside the tote a letter from Sew News with a complimentary magazine!!!  I could not believe my eyes the Sew Spoiled Weekender Tote pattern had made the front cover! (Lots of screaming, followed by Jumping:) I calmed down a little... Enough to breath and read the pattern! I love all of the pictures and graphs. You can find it online too at Sew News .  I hope that you look for it in February!! You can say, I read her blog that is Sew Spoiled :)

Pretty Little Slippers

Pretty Little Slippers Originally uploaded by Sew Spoiled I love my slipper from Francine Toukou so much that I had to find out how to make them for myself! Found some great places to learn and I am going to share them with you. 1.) Friends and Family- talk to your family and friends you might be surprised to find out that someone loves to crochet! People also love to share what they know, so it might bring you closer to them. 2.) I found a youtude video of a women crocheting an adult pair of slippers! This was very helpful because I did not know the difference between a basic single crochet and a slip stitch. 3.) I bought a simple Adult Mary Jane pattern from Hectanooga at Etsy. It is for a beginner and looks like a difficult pattern but only uses the single crochet, chain and slip stitch. The first time I used the pattern I only used one strand of yarn but I found that if you use two strands of yarn at the same time you get the chunk, thick, warm slippers that I fell in lo...