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Showing posts from December, 2017

Looking Back at 2017

This year has been great! Can't wait to see what next year will bring! We started with the Sew Spoiled Twist Apron  pattern in January. We finally reviewed the Bunny Bag from    The Makers' Journal Etsy Shop , in Australia . This is such a cute bag and they make adorable bridesmaids gifts.  February and March had school events happening! We had students attending the All-District Band clinics and we performed The Wizard of Oz at a local Community College! My daughter entered the #KidsCanLearn2Sew Contest! She did not win but we felt like winners because it was a fun project for us to work on together! June through August we were fundraising for a Tuba for our band and we successfully raised over $4,000! See I am a band director, you can't fake this stuff. šŸ˜€ We took our students to see the Orchestra! Every kid should go to see the orchestra at least once in their elementary career! The NC Symphony Orchestra provides education concer...

Embroidery Help; Lesson 3- What Items Can I Embroider On?

Do you need some inspiration for your embroidery? Below is my Embroidery Pinterest Board! I update it frequently and it has over 340 pins! We have 744 followers but we highly advise you following this board so you can continue to receive inspiration for new embroidery ideas. Best wishes and tons of stitches!

Embroidery Help; Lesson 2- Set Up

Let's embroider a project!                                                 Wait a minute, wait a minute! Let's set up everything first. Set up the design for the embroidery machine. You will need to get your design ready for your machine. I use Embrilliance Software to move letters or move design pieces around and size things. I like to center everything in the hoop graph on my computer software so that it will transfer that to the machine. I also baste all of my designs. If you do not have the software you can use stitches directly from your embroidery machine, you can purchase files online and transfer them to your machine via SD card, USB or with a cable.  Hoop the stabilizer, leave a little excess around the hoop. Make sure the stabilizer has a little tension like a drum. I do not hoop my fabric or project. I baste the project down first and then my...

Embroidery Help; Lesson 1- What do I need?

I got an embroidery machine now what? First, you need a few items to make your machine work. Make sure you have a stabilizer, my favorite is tear-away !  Embroidery Thread ! Embroidery thread is different than sewing machine thread. It is shiny and made out of polyester, it is better for your machine because the thread has fewer fibers that will clog the machine. Also, You will also want the shine from the thread to stand out above the fabric. If you want to embroider towels, or anything fuzzy, then you will want to purchase Water Soluble Embroidery Stabilizer . This stabilizer is for the top of your embroidery work so the thread will stand up on top of the fluffy fibers of a towel. Embroidery Machine Scissors , these will make it easier for you to trim threads. Sometimes an embroidery design will move across the hoop and you will have extra thread across your design, trim them away while the project is in the hoop. Baste Design!  I use this for almost eve...