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Copyright??? Can I Sell bags I make from your Sew Spoiled Patterns?

Have you ever bought a pattern and as soon as you make one for yourself everyone you know wants one too?? Then you start to make more but you can't stop! The pattern is so much fun you want to make it all of the time? This is the moment you realize I could sell these and it would be a way to make a little extra money for my family. And who could not use a little extra cash in this day and age:)
All of this to say...
I am changing my Copyright!!!!
Sew Spoiled patterns content within the tutorial is copyrighted and can not be reproduced electronically or copied and distributed. However the finished product that you as a independent Home Seamstress produces can be sold in your shop, provided the pattern was purchased from an authorized dealer and you state in the description, "This is an original design by Leah Williams from her Sew Spoiled ________ pattern." Many shops that have asked for permission and are already doing this. Also many esty shops have linked my Sew Spoiled shop at Etsy, which I really appreciate too! All items for sale must be handmade by you. Contracting with others to mass produce the designs is expressly prohibited.
Warmest Wishes!


dthneece said…
Yay!!! I just purchased three of your awesome patterns and that is music to my ears! Thank you so much!
Zarah said…
How sweet of you - as these are SUPER cute and seem like they are amazingly fun to make! :D
Anonymous said…
Great News!

Thank you so much having a change of heart. I have always liked your patterns and knew that my customers would like one too.
cindyolson said…
The pincushions are adorable! I collect and make pin cushions. I guess we are all obsessed about something. Your blog is very fun. I found it from Pink Chalk Fabrics which is also a great blog. Have a wonderful day!
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