I found the Edith Twirl Skirt at Fabritopia. It doesn't hurt to mention that she has a Fabric Sale going on right now in her shop too! I wanted to make my daughters something special for Easter this year! When I saw how beautiful these Twirly Skirts were I had to give the pattern a try!
These skirts are not like the Lazy Day Skirt Tutorial by Oliver and S.
No, I made two Edith Skirts at the same time and it took me all weekend cutting, ironing and sewing all of the pieces together. The pattern also uses a lot of fabric for just one skirt but that is how you get the twirly skirt! If you are looking for a quick skirt, the Edith Skirt is not a quick pattern. However, it was wonderful making everything from the binding to gathering the ruffle and skirts!
Here is another technique for gathering! If you break your gather stitches, like I did, here is another way to gather a skirt, ruffle or Sew Spoiled Cabrio Tote! Take a long piece of floss, ok :) I only had red yarn at the time but we will pretend that it is floss, and zig zag stitch over the floss. (Make sure the floss is not sewn.) When you are finished sewing a zig zag stitch over the floss for the length of the project pull the fabric and it will gather for you just like a shower curtain on a straight rod.
After you sew the gathered fabric to the next piece of your project pull the floss out. Ta Da!!
I love that it is an Ebook too! I was able to read the pattern on my Dell Mini and not print out all of the pattern pages! Ebooks are the Greenest Way to sew! There is no car ride to the store and no paper needed unless you have to print templates. The Edith Twirl Skirt is made up of rectangle shapes so no templates needed!
Overall I enjoyed making these beautiful Edith Twirl Skirt for my two little ones. I hope you give this pattern a try and try gathering with the zig zag technique!
Warmest Wishes!
Was it a free download?
I think she is selling the PDF in her etsy shop, http://www.etsy.com/listing/62706252/edith-twirl-skirt-pdf-sewing-pattern.
I also updated the links.
I hope this helps.