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Showing posts from September, 2010

September Giveaway!{CLOSED}

These are the most comfortable PJ Pants I have ever made.  They are super soft and a great fit! I put them on and my husband looked at me funny and said, ā€œAre those pants or pj pants.ā€ After I said, ā€œPJ pantsā€ he seem to sigh a relief. I love color and fun fabrics! Men are so funny. My three year old has wanted to do Everything by Herself. Even if she cannot do it on her own. I have tried to let her do things on her own but it is so hard!  This is how she tied her shoes! I love it, so inventive! Now for the Sew Spoiled Giveaway! At the end of each month I have a giveaway! January = Tic Tac Toe Pincushion, Birdie appliques and the Buttercup Bag February = Sew Spoiled Cabrio Tote ePattern March = Edith Apron April = 5 ePatterns May = 5 ePatterns June = Ladybug Convertible Apron ePattern July = Amy Butler handmade iPad sleeve August= Sew Spoiled Ladybug half apron September giveaway is a Sew Spoiled 3 epattern Bundle package to one lucky winner. The giveaway will ru...
These are the most comfortable PJ Pants I have ever made. They are super soft and a great fit! I put them on and my husband looked at me funny and said, ā€œAre those pants or pj pants.ā€ After I said, ā€œPJ pantsā€ he seem to sigh a relief. I love color and fun fabrics! Men are so funny. My three year old has wanted to do Everything by Herself. Even if she cannot do it on her own. I have tried to let her do things on her own but it is so hard! This is how she tied her shoes! I love it., so inventive! Now for the Sew Spoiled Giveaway! At the end of each month I have a giveaway! January = Tic Tac Toe Pincushion, Birdie appliques and the Buttercup Bag February = Sew Spoiled Cabrio Tote ePattern March = Edith Apron April = 5 ePatterns May = 5 ePatterns June = Ladybug Convertible Apron ePattern July = Amy Butler handmade iPad sleeve August= Sew Spoiled Ladybug half apron September giveaway is a Sew Spoiled 3 epattern Bundle package to one lucky winner. The giveaway will run through midnight on ...

Fabric Pumpkin Tutorials

Fall is my favorite time of year! My girls and I are in the middle of decorating the house. So we are making some fun and cute fabric pumpkins! We found a few helpful blogs and we wanted to say thank you and share them with you. I found this first fabric pumpkin tutorial at The Cottage Home . This tutorial is filled with beautiful pictures and helpful instructions. This pumpkin tutorial is amazing! Joanne has a different materials list, which is great. Yes, that is right pumpkin stems! If you want your fabric pumpkin to come to life try this tutorial from The Simple Wife . Ok, I love Danielleā€™s use of fabrics!!!! These are so cute! I love the different sizes and she shows you how to make fabric pumpkins by hand sewing! So take a look at Thompson Family . If you want to make a quick fabric pumpkin! You have to try this one! Judy at Daily Yarns ā€™N More will show you how to make your own fat quarter fabric pumpkin. And with making all of these fabric pumpkins you might need a pumpkin p...


My hubby and I had a weekend getaway! It was wonderful! We have not been on a vacation trip together since the girls were born. We spent the entire weekend in the mountains and it was beautiful! The crisp mountain air, leaves beginning to turn and art festivals made our trip perfect. Here are some pictures from our weekend getaway! This was our view from the cabin! This is the Church of Frescos. It is beautiful inside and out. This is the inside! Have you ever gone on a weekend getaway? Where did you go and what was the best part of your trip?

Tackling Laundry

Here are a few tips to tackling that laundry pile! I am not the best housekeeper but these seem to help me a lot and I thought I would share! Tips and Tricks! 1. Clean the largest fabrics first. Sheet and towels make a laundry pile look larger than it is. If you clean them first you will start to see that your pile of clothes is a lot smaller. 2. Recruit - get help! I have sock keepers! My least favorite laundry job is putting the sock pairs together. I have a reward system for my daughters, for each pair of socks they match, they get M&Ms. 3. Hang up everything you can. If you have space hang up your clothes! It takes less time to search for what you want to wear in the mornings. Also, you will spend less time on hanging, than you would folding and putting away. 4. Give away clothes you do not wear! Good Will and Consignment shops are great places to get rid of unwanted clothes. 5. Play your favorite tunes and make it a workout time with dance moves! 6. Reward yourself! I ...

Lucky Drawing Winner...

Thank you for all of your valuable information and Birthday wishes.  Michele is our winner! If you will please send me a quick email letting me know  which Sew Spoiled Pattern you would like. I will send it to your email today! Michele  said... I've seen one of those before. I'm really pattern-challenged, but I believe it was used to mark patterns. Like the darts, or notches. It seams like it would be easier than cutting notches or using that tiny pizza cutter thing with the colored paper. Told ya I don't sew clothes! Thank you again! Have a great day!

Happy Birthday to Me!

When I woke up this morning I was surprised by this!!! My husband and the girls gave me a Pandora Bracelet with the music notes! The purse charm came from my big sister! (Thank You!) I have been looking at them, secretly drooling, but thought it was a little expensive for a charm bracelet. I had a charm bracelet when I was younger and keep up with it through high school. I love it. Every time something exciting happened, I was able to add a charm. Now I can start all over and hopefully this one will last even longer. This sewing chest was another gift from my father and step-mother. They love to go to auctions and bid on whatever is there. They found this beautiful sewing chest but that is not all!!! It is packed full with different kinds of trims, every color of zipper known-to-man and scissors. What an awesome gift! (Thank You) I just have one question. Inside this chest was this instrument. I am not sure what it is??? The marking on top reads, ā€œTack- Itā€, Pattern Marker. If...

Eggs and Bacon!

My husband came home talking about getting eggs and bacon at work. What? When I heard all of the ingredients I knew I had to give it a try. This fun recipe is great to make with kids. It is fast and simple, my kind of cooking! Ingredients: Pretzels (one bag) White Chocolate Chips or bakers chocolate M&Ms (one large bag) wax paper Step 1: Spread the pretzels out 2 by 2 on a sheet of wax paper ( I am not using wax paper, we were out, but cling wrap works too). Step 2: Heat the white chocolate until smooth and creamy! You can do this in the microwave but I recommend heating it on the stove with a boiling pot of water and a glass bowl for the white chocolate on top, add a splash of milk to make it creamy. Step 3: Pour a tablespoon of white chocolate over each pair of pretzels. After making these a second time, I realized that if you place the white chocolate in a ziplock bag and cut one point off to pipe it on, you have more control. Step 4: Place an M&M on top of the white chocol...

Sew Spoiled Ladybug Apron Winner!

The winner of the Sew Spoiled Pink Ladybug Half Apron is... Jackie ,  she said... "Your lady bug apron is simply lovely, I would love love to win it. Thanks, i will be checking in now an d then for your giveaways." Thanks for joining in on the fun! I will send it through priority mail tomorrow! Thanks!