I have bought a bag! I know I make bags, why did I buy one? I have NOT bought a bag since 2007 and I have made over 100 bags, why this one? This one is called the skirt purse from Thirty One and it has purse skirts you can take off and put on.
I am planning to make my own purse skirts! I love this idea! I think it is so smart!
Here are a couple skirt tutorials on how to make your own purse skirts....
This is the color I decide to buy black leather with the red skirt.
Here are a couple skirt tutorials on how to make your own purse skirts....
These would make great semi-homemade gifts. You could buy the bag and make the skirts! I am not a Thirty One consultant but you can locate one in your area through their site. It is a great way to support women in your area.