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Sutton Blouse at the Beach, Round One Challenge

Front Facing of the Sutton Blouse
Wow! I still can't believe I am a contestant in the Sew Mama Sew, Super Online Sewing Match II. It has been so much fun! Day one, I printed the pattern out and put together the templates. I had a few yards of muslin fabric and made a test run to make sure the fitting would be right. 
Back Facing of the Sutton Blouse
Day two, I visited a small fabric store around the corner called Sew Happy Fabrics and shared with the owners about the contest. We talked about fabric choices and went with 3 yards of rayon challis, Flower Blossoms. That way I could make two Sutton Blouses, if I made a mistake. This fabric is so soft and moves easily with your body. I can see why women love to wear it. 
Side Facing and you can see the side seam.
The Sutton Blouse Pattern, created by Kelli at True Bias, is a simple top with only 4 panels to sew together. You might start to wonder, why does the pattern have a difficultly level of intermediate? The reason comes from the fabrics you use to achieve the right look, light weight woven fabrics, like the rayon challis! Fabrics that drape also shift and move a whole lot while you are cutting, pinning and sewing. This is very challenging. 
Side hem of the Sutton Blouse.
Day 3 and 4, I made the Sutton Blouse. Actually, I made it many times. I enjoyed creating the Sutton Blouse and got to know the fabric's characteristics. The pattern is well written and highly recommended. There are many techniques you will use, for instance; french seams, using bias tape, making an inverted pleat and hemming a garment with side slits that are uneven. I did not modify the pattern and stayed focused on making the fit right.  
Sewing the side slits of the Sutton Blouse.
Day 5, I found some cute props to add to the photoshoot. I made sure to incorporate the fabric, I made a scarf for my beach bag and embroidered my initial. Then, I took some scraps from the project and sewed a new band for the fedora hat.
Entire ensemble, please excuse the bare feet.
Day 6 We packed up and went to the beach!!! Of course, I brought everything I made and decided to take pictures on the shore line. I knew we were going to the beach, so my inspiration came from summer colors. My blouse is warm and flowing like a summers day. It is so relaxing here, no worries just fun! 

Day 7 We took a ton of pictures and wrote my post. My wonderful husband helped me take pictures. He is extremely supportive of my sewing habit. We had so much fun exploring the beach and playing in the surf. 
Well, that is it. I hope to make it on to the second round. I can not wait to see the other Sutton Blouses made during this challenge. What will Round 2's pattern be?? 
It could be anything! 
Best Wishes and tons of stitches!


Ginger said…
Good luck! Love your fabric.
Unknown said…
Leah, your Sutton Blouse is adorable and looks great on you. I like your matching accessaries too. My husband also takes photos of me and is really supportive of my love of sewing. Good luck to you and me! :)
Ooh your fabric looks so soft and dreamy! Love it :)
Shannon said…
I love your fabric choice! So perfect for the style and for the summer. Best of luck! :)
Tanyamaile said…
Love the color and your beach photography!
Anonymous said…
This print is so bright and fun--it looks fabulous both from a distance and close up!
miss kate said…
This looks like a perfect summertime blouse. And now you've got me wanting to head out to the Shore...:-)
Sew Spoiled said…
Good luck, your Sutton Blouse is gorgeous.
Sew Spoiled said…
Thank you, loved the lace you used on your blouse.
Sew Spoiled said…
Thank you, loved the trim on your blouse.
Sew Spoiled said…
Thank you! The heirloom techniques you used were so creative on your Sutton Blouse.
Sew Spoiled said…
Thank you! Loved your fabric chooses too!
Sew Spoiled said…
The beach is perfect this time of year! Thank you!
Becky Thompson said…
Too cute! I've looked at the other makes and your serger definitely made life much easier for you on this Sutton. I might give it a shot. Love the use of the fabric to pull the entire outfit together. Congrats on moving ahead!

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