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Sew Spoiled Edith Apron Giveaway!

After making many Aprons in an Hour from Fabritopia's free tutorial and her Edith Twirl Skirt, I wondered if the two could be combined to make an Edith Apron! It can be done and here is the end result. This is also my March Sew Spoiled Giveaway Gift this month!
Just incase you have not noticed, I am trying to giveaway one Sew Spoiled gift each month! January was my Scrap Happy Giveaway with the Tic Tac Toe Pincushion, Birdie appliques and the Buttercup Bag, February was Name this Bag month and I gave away one free Sew Spoiled Cabrio Tote ePattern and this month, March is the Edith Apron! So make sure you check each month for the fun surprise! This month is extra special because it is Sew Spoiled's Birthday month! Two years ago, March 22, 2008, I began selling my first Sew Spoiled Wristlet epattern! Just two years later I have over 12 different patterns in my shop and can be found in 3 other online stores. (You Can Make This, Pink Chalk Studio and Above All Fabric) I have recently written for Sew New magazine and my work was featured on the front cover. It has been so exciting to sew and share my enjoyment with others and they too find enjoyment making gifts for others or themselves.
Back to this great giveaway, it will run through midnight on March 30, 2010 with the winners being announced on March 31, 2010. The winner will be chosen using We will send it priority mail by April 2, 2010! All friends are welcome! What do you have to do to enter to win?? Just post a comment about a birthday wish/ memory or the latest project you want to venture! I love hearing from my readers! Please make sure that you also sign up to follow Sew Spoiled's Blog to find out about new up coming giveaways, tutorials and PDF patterns!!!
 Good Luck!!


Birthday wish? That it is just a good relaxing and fun day. The last few b-days of mine weren't that great, so I just want normal. :)

Great giveaway!
books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com
Suzanne W. said…
Hmmm a birthday wish? I think it would be to sleep in and have a whole day of daddy entertaining the kids so mommy could find a great pattern and sew uninterrupted for the entire afternoon. Then definitely a wonderful home cooked (by Daddy of course) dinner & DVD with my family, followed by a hot bubble bath. I know, it's a lot to ask but you did say a 'wish' right? :D
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday! I just recently bought one of your wrislet patterns and my eye is set on your new weekender bag pattern. Congrats on your success!
ADORABLE!! Bday wish would be to be able to sew for an entire day in a brand new sewing room! I have an unfinished apron that I would love to finish this weekend!! We'll see if it happens. Joyce
Love, love, love that apron. How cute is it!? I also make bags and have so little time to sew for myself. I also work full-time. I would love to make myself a cute apron as well....Well, one can dream, can't she?
Shawnee said…
Birthday wish? Spending a whole day with my family, grown kids included, just laughing, eating, talking and playing.

shawneeh at
Jennwith4 said…
A birthday wish? What a coincidence because today is my birthday!! (Well it was 30 minutes ago lol)

Have a shopping spree in the most wonderful fabric store filled with all the latest knits, designer cottons and voiles, and patterns...aaahhhh! Such a lovely wish. =)
Betti Homemaker said…
chchoo said…
Birthday wish would be the four or five sewing/fitting books I have on my to-buy list. charith at hotmail dot com
Anonymous said…
My birthday wish would be to have a whole day to run on the beach and then walk the whole island (Siesta Key), then come home and take a shower and watch tv. Something I have not done since having children...I love the apron and I love to wear aprons! My daughter says "Mom, they're for cooking, not as part of your outfit!", but I love nice aprons! My neighbor got me one for my last birthday but I love the one in this pic!
Shannon H said…
Happy Birthday!! A birthday with for me would be a fun relaxing day with my hubby and 3 little ones :) Adorabel apron!
Liz said…
Love the apron! Birthday wish: a serger. And maybe one of those newfangled bias tape makers.
Jennifer said…
Leah, this is an easy one for me. My birthday was yesterday and as I blew out the candles my wish was to be pregnant before the end of 2010. My husband and I must do IVF with ICSI (check google) to get pregnant. That's how we had our daughter. However three more fertility treatments left us with empty arms. I just learned a couple days ago I was approved to do an IVF on our military base which is discounted; the only way we can try one more time. So my wish was (is) to get pregnant from our last treatment. I would love a serger and an embroidery machine, but neither of those would give me another child; only God in whom I put my trust.
I love the apron! My next sewing venture is your Cabrio pattern, fingers crossed for some spare time over Easter.

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