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Cabrio Tote Sew Along: Outer shell

Wow! Everyone in the Sew Along is working hard on their beautiful Cabrio Totes! Here are the pictures of the outer shells taking shape!
I adore the fabric. If you look in the background of the picture you can see the lining, cream with orange blossoms.
Love it!!!
Look at these coordinating fab fabrics. I can’t wait to see more!
This is just one of the two bags Stephanie is making! They both already look amazing! Can’t wait to see the lining pictures too!
This is a fun picture you can see where she has been and the journey she is about to take!
Thank you for sharing this picture with the group.
Here are my pictures of the outer shell. I am working with leather (lamb skin) which is new adventure for me! Lamb skin is a good leather to start with because it is so thin. I did use interfacing. Even though you should not iron leather, I did iron the interfacing onto it with a cloth covering the leather to protect it. 
Also I had a blog reader write...Screenshot2011-03-02at8.54.19AM-2011-03-2-09-00.png
There is another way!Take a long piece of floss and zig zag stitch over the floss. (Make sure the floss is not sewn.) When you are finished sewing a zig zag stitch over the floss for the length of the project pull the fabric and it will gather for you just like a shower curtain on a straight rod. Best Wishes! Thank you for sharing your pictures with the Flickr: Sew Spoiled Cabrio Tote Sew Along group.
