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Sew Spoiled November Giveaway!{CLOSED}

Now for the Sew Spoiled Giveaway!
At the end of each month we have a wonderful giveaway!
November is no different, the November giveaway is one free New Sew Spoiled Cosmetic Case ePattern to 5 lucky winners. This epattern shows you how to make 3 cosmetic cases with only 2 fat quarters, interfacing and 3 zippers! Cosmetic Cases are the perfect gift for sleepovers, stocking stuffers, teachers, coworkers, bunco friends, bridesmaids and even “the woman that has everything”! These cases are quick to make with very little fabric cost to you. Monogram, add trims or make cute fabric flowers to accessorize your Cosmetic Case!
The Sew Spoiled Cosmetic Case ePattern is the perfect gift!
The giveaway will run through midnight on November 30, 2010 with the winner being announced on December 1, 2010. The winner will be chosen using We will send it through email by December 2, 2010!
All friends are welcome! 
What do you have to do to enter to win?
Tell us, What is your favorite sewing accessory to use? It can be a new 21 century invented hi-tech gadget or something you use for sewing that was never intended to be used in the first place.
One entry per person and please write your email address with your post!
Good Luck!


Lynne in NC said…
I'm not sure if this would be considered a sewing accessory; however, your zipper instructions on the wristlet pattern are my "go to" instructions for any bag zip installation. They are easy to understand and always look great.
BTW, this new e-pattern is fabulous!
Carole said…
Not for sure what to pick - a simple item would be the rotary cutter. Thanks for the chance to win!
dthneece said…
my laptop! I just open my e-pattern folders and start sewing. I just the pattern pieces and don't bother to print the tutorial. I don't have to worry about losing a page or have stacks of tutorials lying around.
My favorite accessory is a glue stick! I'd be lost without my glue stick.
Kristen said…
A cup or bowl of various sizes. I use them to make circular edges on improvised patterns.

Heavy-duty washers from the local hardware 50 cents each they are cheap, plentiful, and the best pattern weights going! The best part is, if I misplace them, it is cheap and simple to replace them.
Ginger said…
My favorite sewing accessory to use is pins. I don't know how people sew clothing without using pins.

gingerc at gmail dot com
Gina said…
A great pair of scissors. Love my ginghers, in every size!

Bethany said…
My favorite accessory is my tailor's awl--it gets where my chubby fingers need to go but can't (as in close to the needle) or shouldn't (as in near the iron).
Maggie said…
My favorite accessory is a cutting mat. It provides a smooth surface for cutting and piecng.
Anonymous said…
Definately my little embroidery scissors. Great for snipping threads close, clipping curves, getting into tight spots. Luv the pattern Leah.
Zipper foot. Gotta love it. :)

books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com
Twins Squared said…
For an actual sewing tool it would be my rotary cutter and mat. For a non-sewing item it would be my trusty chopstick used for pushing out points or turning straps.
Unknown said…
I love my little pin "pillow", the one you stick your pins in when you're not using them.

isabelle.seidel @
Chris said…
the iphone works great for easy access to a tutorial, it's small and doesn't get in the way like the lap top.
Mama Lusco said…
These would make great gifts! My favorite gadget is my ruffler attachment. It's saved me hours while sewing for my 2 girls! mamalusco at ortelco dot net
second try!!! LOL

i guess my favorite sewing accessory would have to be my wonderful bernina ... i purchased it last year, used -- it was a choice rather than a new *plastic* one -- and every day, i learn something new that it does .... i love it .... my chopstick, too, for those pesky corners!
Unknown said…
My favorite sewing accessory and the one I use the most is my curved tweesers. They are great to pulling the thread thru the needle, pushing tight little corners out to a perfect point and so many other little things. Great give away!! Me email
Andi said…
My favorite accessory would have to be my little scissors to trim threads and my trash can I keep right next to me to push those threads and fabric in.....great pattern!
My favorite sewing accessory is my pair of forceps. I use them to stuff things, to turn things, to pull needles through thick fabric--I couldn't live without them! They are very easy to use and quite versatile.
my favorite sewing gadget is my magnetic pin love love love it and don't know how i ever kept track of all those pesky pins without it!!!!!
maadrose at sbcglobal dot net
SoozeM said…
I love my Roxannes Glue Baste It, I love the stuff and use it on so many things, from holding down binding to hand-sew, to zips, to scout badges, it's like having an extra couple of pairs of hands!
Rachel said…
I can't live without my seam ripper... though I would really like to be able to! ;)
gladys said…
Something I use very much are old Xrays. I clean then in bleach and then use them to cut out templates. They are great to use and a way of recycling too!!! Happy Hollidays to all!!
Anonymous said…
My fav piece is the re-inherited butcher's table we got from a cousin. I no longer have to bend all the way over to cut my material now :)
Ruffler foot...just love it
Jennifer said…
I think my favorite sewing accessory is my seam ripper. Is that wrong to say? When it's needed I'm so thankful I have it. I used to always use one of those tiny ones that only makes you hate the task of ripping seams all the more. I finally bought one that fits my hand nicely. I love it!
Sew Spoiled said…
Gladys and dtneece, I have not heard from you yet. You two are winners! Congratulations!
Thank you everyone for posting. I hope you continue to read Sew Spoiled blog.

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