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Showing posts from May, 2008

Quilted Patchwork Purse Drawing!!

Quilted Patchwork Purse Originally uploaded by Sew Spoiled May 31 is the last day to post your Sew Spoiled wristlet and/or gadget pouch pictures!! I will put everyoneā€™s name into the hat who has purchased the Sew Spoiled patterns and/or who has sent in pictures of their Sew Spoiled creations to the Sew Spoiled Flickr group, . June 1st I will draw a name from the hat and post it on this Sew Spoiled Blog. I will also contact to via email. Thank you for participating in this fun event!! June 2nd I will ship the winner this beautiful bag. Good Luck everyone!!

Sew Sensible Romper Pattern

Sew Senible Romper Pattern Originally uploaded by Sew Spoiled This is another hot number for summer!!! This is the All in One Romper by Sew Sensible!! LOVE IT! This is another ebook just go to . She has so many patterns to look at but this one caught my eye. I love the back of it!! We go to the beach a lot so this outfit is perfect for the sun.

Pinafore by Georgia Grace Designs Red Back

Pinafore by Georgia Grace Designs Red Back Originally uploaded by Sew Spoiled This is a NEW pattern with an old flare!!! The pinafore design is by Georgia Grace Designs and it is lovely. With no hardware and only 6 pieces to sew together you will be done in a matter of minutes! I made both of my little ones a pinafore and they love it! To find this ebook just go to she will send you the ebook to your email and instantly you can begin your sewing process!!!

Sew Spoiled Clogging

This Sunday is the big day!! I will be on stage with these other beautiful women and we will be performing in front of 1,000+ people. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. By the way don't you love their pants, Sew Spoiled Originals iJeans!!!!!

Sew Spoiled Patterns

These are at a local store called Sam and Cate Originally uploaded by Sew Spoiled ON SALE!!! If you have not ordered your Sew Spoiled Wristlet or Gadget Pouch pattern. Now is the perfect time! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the Sew Spoiled Wristlet will be only $10 with free shipping because it is a PDF pattern sent to you instantly to your email. Also, Anyone who has purchased the Sew Spoiled Wristlet or Gadget Pouch Pattern or (no purchase necessary) who has made a Sew Spoiled pleated wristlet or Gadget pouch and has posted their creation on the Flickr group page is automatically in the drawing to win a new beautiful quilted purse. And there is more every time you post a new wristlet or gadget pouch picture at Sew Spoiled Design Group page your name is thrown into the drawing hat again!!!! June 1st I will draw the lucky contest winner and send you the handbag FREE, I will pay for it to be shipped to you!!! I will notify you through email to let you kno...

Sew Spoiled Putting on Snaps Turorial

Putting on Snaps with a Heavy Duty snap kit. This is the last part of the Sew Spoiled Gadget pouch pattern. The entire pattern is available at !!! Tips: 1. Practice does make perfect and 8 come in a package. So try it out before trying it on your new Sew Spoiled gadget pouch. 2. You might not know your own strength. You can always tap more if it is not on very well but you canā€™t take it back. So if you tap too hard you can smash up the snap on to your pouch. 3. Donā€™t throw away snap mistakes just take some pliers and take the smashed snap off. Try again!! Step 1: Get out your hammer, Snap parts A and B. Mark the fabric where you want the snap. Step 2: Punch a hole on the mark using the metal anvil and hole puncher. Step 3: Place Part Aā€™s post through the hole and put part B over Part Aā€™s post. Place a piece of tissue over the metal anvil to cushion the snap as you hammer the two pieces together using the attaching tool. Hammer a few times and look at...