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Showing posts from August, 2009

Lunch Box with Marlo Bloom Flower:)

Lunch Box with Marlo Bloom Flower:) Originally uploaded by Sew Spoiled Ok, now I am done!! I have been waiting for an excuse to make this beautiful Marlo Bloom Flower by Heather Bailey. I couldn't help myself when I saw that I had polka dots and strips in Red!!!! The original Lunch box pattern by Oh Fransson suggested a flower....... I just pumped it up a bit. I love pretty things!! Now display my lunch box proudly instead of hiding it in a drawer. Smiles! Leah

Sew Spoiled twist on the Oh, Fransson Lunchbox

This is a wonderful pattern by Oh, Fransson's , the Lunchbox pattern :) It is a free lunchbox pattern and I love the look. I used the dimensions given in the pattern for my daughter's lunch box. The reason I wanted to try it was the iron-on vinyl. I have never used this project before and I wanted to see what this product was like. I found that the iron-on vinyl was easy to apply but once on, if the bag is crumpled for any reason it looks beat up and in need of an ironing again. So I don't think it is a perfect product but it is really cool:) that you can waterproof any fabric you choose by applying the iron-on vinyl. Maybe it will get even better in the future. This is the platypus side. My daughter loves Phineas and Ferb ! In this cartoon there is a platypus called Perry who is a secrete agent. She wanted a platypus lunch box, so Mommy makes her one. (That's what mommies do.) This is the Emily embroidered side. I added a decorative flower like the pattern suggests...

Mac Laptop Sleeve for my Hubby

Mac Laptop Sleeve Originally uploaded by Sew Spoiled This is the first thing I have ever made my husband! I know, that sounds terrible but it is hard to find things to sew for your guy. Not to mention fabric that is not black to create your project with. The Laptop sleeve is a Sew Spoiled design with Amy Butler fabric, imperial fans in spinach, I found at the Fabric Bar Etsy shop. Hey, I have an idea!!! If you know of a great pattern to sew your guy please share it with me or us:) !!! Or if you know a great looking fabric that is not black! Please share with us the designer and the name of the fabric, maybe even where we can find it. Happy Sewing!! Leah ~Can't wait to see your posts!!!

Office Chair Recover Project

Have you ever had a project that you keep putting off?? Well, this chair has been on my to do list forever. The black original fabric was torn and worn out. I had a little help taking off the handles and hardware but once the cushions were off I was on a roll. First, I recovered the bottom cushion. We pulled the fabric over the cushion and stapled it down with a staple gun. I had my husband help me because you need one person to hold the fabric and the other to staple. The top cushion is covered like a slip cover. I draped the fabric over the cushion and drew the cushion shapes onto the back of the fabric with a fabric marker. Then I cut out the shapes and pinned the slip cover, right sides together, along the cushion's old seam lines. Finally, I sewed the slip cover using the pins as a guide for the seam allowance. I left a hole open along the bottom, back of the slip cover so I could fit it over the cushion. After fitting it over the cushion, I hand sewed the rest of the slip co...

Sew Liberated's Gnome Messenger Bag

Sew Liberated's Gnome Messenger Bag Originally uploaded by Sew Spoiled It's starting to be that time again. Tax free weekend was last weekend here in NC and teachers report back to school Friday, if you are not on the year round track. I always try to make myself something special when returning to school and this year is no different. Looking around my sewing room I found Sew Liberated's, Mischievous Gnome Messenger Bag pattern stuffed in the back of my pattern box. It had never been opened! I opened the pattern up and looked it over. Next, I had to find what fabric to use. I had some Japanese fabric that I bought from the Fabric Bar Etsy shop . I had saved it for a rainy day and this was the perfect opportunity to use it. I gathered all of the supplies and cut all the pieces out. The instructions were very easy to follow and understand. I loved the simplicity of the design and I think I would like to incorporate that into my own patterns. I am rather short so I decided...

Brad Project, Dress Up Your Tote

Materials: Clear Acrylic Sealer Scrapbook Brads Peltex or a stiff interfacing 2.5"X2.5" Seam Riper Spray your brads if they are decorative paper pieces used for scrapbooking. These I found at Target, but you can find these anywhere. Try to look at the brads themselves, the bigger the better. I made a dot with a invisible ink pen, cut two tiny holes for the brad tabs and pushed the tabs through. Then make two small holes in the center of the 2.5"X2.5" peltex interfacing and push the brad tabs through. Open the brad tabs so that it will stay in place! You are done! What a fast and easy idea!!! I hope you give it a try:) Happy Crafting! Leah

Sew Spoiled Creations by Customers:)

I just received some more beautiful pictures of Sew Spoiled Design s by Marlene and Brooke!! I wanted to share them with you! I know that when I see creative ideas, I want to be more creative too. If you have any pictures of Sew Spoiled Designs you have made email them to and I will post them on this blog! Sew Spoiled Ladubug Mommy and Me Backpack By Brooke I love the pink and brown! So Cute!!! Sew Spoiled Wristlet By Marlene I Love her fabric, bright and gorgeous! Sew Spoiled Wristlet By Marlene I love Amy Butler's fabric . This looks like a fun wristlet to wear!

Sew Spoiled Ladybug Backpack Creations!

I wanted to share with you some pictures from Kara. She is a WAHM , Work at Home Mom, and she is owner of Sew Appealing . If you have a chance to visit her store do, she creates everything from car seat covers to curtains for your new nursey. She recently made two beautiful Sew Spoiled Ladybug Backpacks and shared the pictures with me! I love them so much I wanted to share them with you. Wonderful job!!! Her fabrics cooridnate and look great together. If you have completed a Sew Spoiled Pattern project send pictures to me at and I will post them and showcase you on my blog! Thanks again Kara for the pictures. I really appreciate you sharing these with me:) Happy Sewing! Leah