Have you ever had a project that you keep putting off?? Well, this chair has been on my to do list forever. The black original fabric was torn and worn out. I had a little help taking off the handles and hardware but once the cushions were off I was on a roll. First, I recovered the bottom cushion. We pulled the fabric over the cushion and stapled it down with a staple gun. I had my husband help me because you need one person to hold the fabric and the other to staple. The top cushion is covered like a slip cover. I draped the fabric over the cushion and drew the cushion shapes onto the back of the fabric with a fabric marker. Then I cut out the shapes and pinned the slip cover, right sides together, along the cushion's old seam lines. Finally, I sewed the slip cover using the pins as a guide for the seam allowance. I left a hole open along the bottom, back of the slip cover so I could fit it over the cushion. After fitting it over the cushion, I hand sewed the rest of the slip co...