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Showing posts from May, 2010

Sew Spoiled ePattern May Giveaway!!

Last month's giveaway was such a big hit that I decided to continue the fun this month, May's Giveaway is one free  Sew Spoiled epattern  for five different, lucky winners! I t will run through midnight on May 31, 2010 with the winners being announced on June 1, 2010. The winners will be chosen using We will send it through email June 2, 2010! All friends are welcome! What do you have to do to enter to win?? Just post a comment telling us what type of crafter are you??? In Amy Karol's, Bend-The -Rules Sewing , page 6, she asks "What kind of crafter are you?" Which I think is a great question? Are you the Perfectionist, The Miser (Thrifty), Artist or Speed Demon?? I feel like I am a crazy combination of all of them but if I had to pick one it would be the artist with strong speed demon undertones. :) ~Happy Posting! Leah

Weekender Tote Sew along: Pockets and Lining with Magnet

Here is another bundle of fantastic pictures from our Sew Spoiled Weekender Tote Project . If you love sewing you are going to love these sweet pics.   First, from  Pink Stargazer , she is finished with the outer shell panels and they look amazing! I adore Heather Bailey's Nicey Jane collection that is exactly what she and her friend Raygan used! The pictures below are Raygan's bag. You two are going to have to go out together with your fab bags on! Girls weekend! Raygan's bag from Pink Stargazer flickr photostream. I know there are no handles, remember this is the bag to watch, she will be using bamboo handl es! Then, 9crafty11 , showed us what the birth of a bag looks like! :) Flipping her tote right side out for everyone to see! The mother of this Weekender Tote must be extra proud! I love that she added purse feet. I might have to join you with the purse feet idea. Gorgeous 9crafty11 ! Le Touche-ƀ-Tout is making her Weekender Tote from fabrics designed by Amy Bu...

Weekender Tote Sew along: Pockets and Lining with Magnet

Hey Everyone! I am so excited! We are less than 2 weeks away from our Weekender Tote being complete. We are on page 7 of the Sew Spoiled Weekender Tote epattern . We will be making the interior pocket, sewing the sides of the lining and install the magnet clasp this week. Here are some pictures from the Sew Spoiled Weekender Tote flickr group ! From Squarebag's photostream, this is Step 7, were she has pinned the base of the outer shell in place. From  Little Ditty Designs photostream! She has not only finished but added this beautiful fabric flower! This outer shell, from E milySue's photostream,  is gorgeous! From 9crafty11, I am so glad you join the sew along! This is the outer shell completed by T heAccidentalCrafter! I love these colors! From  my little hedgehog's photostream, great shot of the sewing process! My outer shell complete! If you are having trouble sewing the through the thicknesses of this bag here are some tips. 1.)  Lengthen the stitch to 3...

Inspiration to Sew More...

Sew a Straight Line has an adorable reversible skirt tutorial available on her blog! I am going shopping for fabric today for this pattern! This simple pattern looks easy and fast to make! Make It Perfect has a new dress pattern called Sprout ! I adore the hood and side pockets! Sandi Henderson, from Portabellopixie , has a new book out called Sewing Bits and Pieces. Just the cover alone is inspiring! There are 35 New and creative projects inside. This is the mail organizer from Noodlehead ! I see this in my kitchen or sewing room! I love how she combined her craftiness and seamstress sides to make this great tutorial! Thank you Anna! Have a great Weekend! ~Leah

Weekender Tote Sew-a-long: Straps and Outer Shell Update

I am so honored to be your host for the Sew Spoiled Weekender Tote Sew a long . We are 2 weeks away from completing our bags! Some have completed them already!  From  ChristyErickson74's photo stream on Flickr! Great Job! I love the colors and extra accessories! We are finishing up the Straps and Outer shell  and starting the Pockets and magnet clasp this coming week. Here is the schedule again, much shorter this time!  Pockets and Magnet Clasp - - - - - - May 23- May 29 Lining and Finish the Tote- - - - - - - May 30- June 5 From  Le Touche-ƀ-Tout's Photostream, this is her outer shell finished! I have to say the Sew Spoiled Weekender Tote Project group has been wonderful. It is a place where you can ask any question and find out a variety of answers from people all over the world! If you have posted questions or answered questions, Thank you! From  EmilySue's Photostream! I love pictures like this! Awesome colors! From  Sew Tara's Photostream, S...

Weekender Tote Sew-a-long: Straps and Outer Shell

Our sew a long is in it's 3rd week, with Straps and Outer Shell being this weeks goal.  We are only 3 weeks away from finishing our totes! Straps and finish Outer Shell- - - - - -May 16- May 22 Pockets and Magnet Clasp - - - - - - May 23- May 29 Lining and Finish the Tote- - - - - - - May 30- June 5 I love seeing how each Weekender Tote is taking shape. What started as just 2 dimensional  fabric is now shaping into a 3 dimensional beautiful bag. As always I have more awesome pictures from our Sew Spoiled Weekender Tote Project Flickr group to show you. This is a picture from 9Crafty11's photostream. This is part of Step 5 being completed. What a useful tool! 9Crafty11 used a steam press to fuse her interfacing to her fabrics! I know that was truly part of last weeks goal but I had to show you her picture! ksequeira514 has finished her outer shell panels!  I l ove how you centered the turquoise print, Beautiful!  This week we will make our straps in step 4. Ste...

Weekender Tote Sew-a-long: the end of Pleat Week!

Here is a new update from our Sew Spoiled Weekender Tote Project flickr group's progress! Everyone seems to be sewing at their own pace. Some have skipped ahead to the last chapter of the book and some are still looking at the contents page:) Wherever you are it is important that you sew at your own tempo. If you are having a hard time getting started, these pictures should inspire you to jump aboard next week's sew a long where we will finish the outer shell!!! If you are wondering where my pictures are I am planning to post some tonight. However, I recently bought a flip video camera and I thought I would try some of the steps on video but the camera has not come in yet!  :(  Anyway, the more I look at this sew a long the more I realize it is not about me. Honestly, it is all about you! Your progress what you have learned and showing off your talents!! This is Le Touche-A-Tout's step 2, page 4. She also has a wonderful blog at Le Touche-A-Tout This is step 2 completed!...

Weekender Tote Sew-a-long: Pleat Week!

Wow! I am so impressed by the pictures on the Sew Spoiled Flickr Project Group ! Each time I stop by to see what is new there are wonderful pictures like these! I don't know about you but seeing others successfulness makes me want to sew!!!  Twins Squared shared these pictures and they are helpful to see the steps for this week's sew a long! We are completing page 4 of the Sew Spoiled pattern steps 2 and 3. Many have started to cut the pleats out using the pleat template. This is correct! A lot of people get to this step and stop! Don't stop you are right!!! Continue!  I know that it seems like a lot of fabric but with the angle of the pleat I had no choice but to write it this way. Plus everyones pleat will be a little different. You are right so don't stop!!! Use the excess for a Buttercuppity Key Fob and Noodlehead Zippy wallet !  Here is another great picture, from Twins Squared, of what a cut pleat panel looks like and a non-cut pleat panel. Twins Squared also h...

Update on the Weekender Tote Project!

I usually post on the weekends but this weekend was a little crazy! We went to see my little brother graduate from USC and then it was Mommy's Day.  Happy Mother's day to all of you who are Mothers too! Hopefully you have cut all of your pieces out and you are ready to start to assemble of the Sew Spoiled Weekender Tote ! The first step in the pattern is to make the Outer Shell Pleats.  Outer Shell Pleats - - - - - - - - - - - - -May 9- May 15 Straps and finish Outer Shell- - - - - -May 16- May 22 Pockets and Magnet Clasp - - - - - - May 23- May 29 Lining and Finish the Tote- - - - - - - May 30- June 5 Here are some pictures from the Sew Spoiled Weekender Tote Project Flickr group . EmilySue has posted her recent work! Not only has she sewn the outer shell pleat fabrics together but she has fused her interfacing. Now she is ready for pleating! Sweet.Limes' Photostream Cut and ready! Selvedge's photostream Cut and ready! MyCalicoHearts's photostream ...