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Showing posts from 2013

Best of Sew Spoiled 2013

Tutorials of 2013 Skinny Jeans Critter Pillow Old Laptop bag/ New iPad Case How To Download your Etsy PDF Files Vinylize Your Rain Boots Joyful Jumper Little Girl/ Doll Nighty Projects For Your Stash Chiffon Scarf Ribbon Zipper Pull Fabric Covered Buttons Bookmark Give your Library Bag some Character Market Bag with only a Half Yard of Fabric Judy Moody Embroidery Make Your Own Brigadeiro Fabric Button Video Key Fob Video Letter Applique Video Sew Spoiled Patterns of 2013 iPad Mini Case   Thirty One Skirt  Tailgate Teammate Tote New Patterns To come! iPad Air Case Tailgate Teammate Backpack We hope you are enjoying your families and friends this new year! Thank you for your continual support. We will see you 2014!

Sew Spoiled working with Simplicity

I apologize for not writing this month but I have a very good reason! I am working with Simplicity again!! They loved the Tailgate Teammate Totes and after sharing the tote pictures, they asked for more!! So I designed a new backpack and sent everything to New York this week. Hopefully if all goes well the pattern will be available June 2014. I hope you are having a fantastic holiday season. We have a $2.00 off coupon code, MERRYSEWING , for all Sew Spoiled Etsy Shop orders through Dec. 25th ! Merry Christmas!

Letter Applique Video Tutorial

College Font Lettering If you have ever wondered how to appliquĆ© letters onto a project this 3 minute video will show you how in 9 easy steps.  We are using this technique on the Tailgate Teammate Tote ePattern , which is available in our Sew Spoiled Etsy Shop.

Make your Own Brigadeiro

You have to love a recipe with only 3 ingredients!! My husband and I watch a show on desserts and learned how to make  Brigadeiro from Brazil. They look so amazing and easy to make that we had to try it. We both enjoy cooking together and we thought cooking  Brigadeiro with the kids would be fun!! The three simple ingredients are...  3 Table Spoons of cocoa,  1 can (14 ounces) of sweet  and condense milk and 1 tablespoon of butter. Optional toppings: sprinkles, nuts or powder sugar. That is it!! Step 1: Place the ingredients in a medium pan, over low heat and stir constantly! Mix until when you stir you can see the bottom of the pan.  Step 2: Put the mixer in a separate container to cool and rest.  Step 3: Cover your hands in butter. Scoop and roll mixer into small balls, then be creative and roll ball into toppings.  Enjoy!

We Are Thankful!

( For Sew Spoiled Etsy Shop Only) We want to say Thank You for coming to Sew Spoiled and reading our blog. Are blog hopes to inspire, share and give back to the online sewing community. We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, sharing time with friends and family. 

Fabric Button Video Tutorial

Here is another fun Sew Spoiled tutorial on how to make your own fabric covered buttons. Then you can glue them on magnets. Magnetic fabric covered buttons make fantastic gifts for teachers. Most teachers have magnetic boards. I use some I have created at home on our refrigerator to hang beautiful art work from my two little ones.  Enjoy!

Semi-handmade for Kids

T shirt Quilt A Tic Tac Toe Frisbee Game Twistable Crayon Roll Tutorial I saw this great idea in a book, take a little box (you can find little tin lunch boxes at $5 Below) and fill it with thread, felt, fabric scraps, buttons, little scissors and pins. This would be for a 9+ year old gift. The book I found this idea in was Crafty Creatures  by Jane Bull. I would buy this book and gift it with the box of fabric and fun. Crafty Creatures by Jane Bull. Doodle Bag  Tutorial Place Vinyl letters on rain boots or converse tips of shoes. Christmas Doll Advent Calendar Enjoy!

Key Fob Video Tutorial

This simple video tutorial shows you how easy it is to make a simple gift for your friends and family. I love having extra gifts wrapped for the unexpected gifts I receive sometimes. Enjoy!

Semi-handmade Gift Ideas for Women

Gift Idea #1 Make a simple coin purse and fill it will a gift card to their favorite shop. Then write a sweet note, include how the two of you could go shopping together and make a fun girls days out of it.    -------------------------------------- Gift Idea #2 Make a Chiffon Sheer Scarf and buy a pair of earrings to match! Make it a set with a bracelet and necklace. It could be something that means something to the two of you. A reminder of a trip or time you spent together. -------------------------------------- Gift Idea #3 Make a monogramed cake carrier. Buy fun baking supplies to make a delicious cake. Or find a great recipe book to complete the gift. You could make an apron too. -------------------------------------- Gift Idea #4 For this gift we will start with buying a Thirty One Skirt Bag. Make a new skirt for the recipient each month! Every month send a new skirt ! This is fun gift idea for a family member that lives far away. ...

Semi-handmade Gift Ideas for Men

Semi-handmade ideas are made up of a handmade gift and something bought. It can also be a store bought gift that you personalize in a thoughtful way. Here are some sweet suggestions for your men in your life.   Make a Wallet                          Buy a  Guitar Pick Wallet Gift Idea #1 Make a  Chalkboard Mug             Buy Coffee Gift Idea #2 Make a  Golf Ball Towel            Buy Golf Balls, tees and or gloves. Gift Idea #3 Buy Neck ties and embroider them using embroidery floss.  Or if you have an embroidery machine, have the machine do it.  Gift Idea #4   Etch Glass with Silhouette             Buy Glass Beer Pilsners Gift Idea #5 Embroider favorite team or car logo                    Buy Golf T...