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Showing posts from July, 2009

Sew Spoiled Ladybug Shoulder Bag Winner!

Well, I have not heard back from Angela:( and today is August 1st so I am going to pick a newwinner. Congratulations to Little Munchkins,who said," Gorgeous bag! My kids adore shopping (must start them young!) so we enjoy going to shopping centres and just walking around." I hope to hear from you soon! Please send the address you would like your bag to be sent to at Thank you all for sharing your favorite family activites. I will have another giveaway soon! āœ„------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, I have been baby crazy!!! Not because I am pregnant (Not pregnant! ) but because I am making so many gifts for babies lately. It all started with the Sew Spoiled Ladybug Diaper Bag ( available soon in my Etsy Store ).. Then the Diaper Wipe travel case and now my new favorite is the Bit of Whimsy Dolls !! Have you seen these ePatterns ??? They are available on Etsy , in their shop called Bit ...

Sew Spoiled Twist on the Fabric Covered Wipe Case

I was asked to make a diaper bag for a friend and loved it so much that I didn't want to stop there. Why not make some cute accessories to go along with it. So that is when I looked up the fabric covered wipe case. Well I just wanted to share my Sew Spoiled twist on this adorable case. First you need a fabric cover wipe case tutorial. I found a few that I really liked for free online. Here are three sites, Make It and Love It , According to Kelly and This and That . I am going to show you how you can add a pocket and make your wipe case a carry all for all of your changing needs. So gather together a fat quarter of fabric, interfacing, ribbon or trim, glue gun, mod podge, wipe case, 1/4" elastic and pocket fabric. Cut the pocket fabric 12.5" WX 5"L and fold and iron. The top is fold first at 1/4" and then again at 1/2" press and pin. The bottom should be folded at 1/4" up and pressed into place. This is just a guid for later. Sew the top close to th...

Sew Spoiled Ladybug Shoulder Bag Winner!

Congratulations to Ri Ange Creations. Ltd., who said, " Nice bag! Because the weekends are always so ja mmed packed with a lot of other activities, my son and I have Family Game Night on Wednesdays. He cooks dinner (he'll be 17 in August) and I provide snacks and/or dessert. We talk about how things are going so far in the week and make plans for the weekend. It's nice to take a day in the middle of the week and do something just for the both of us. Angela" That sounds wonderful!!! I hope you enjoy your new bag! Just send the address you would like your bag to be sent to at Thank you for sharing your favorite family activites. I think I will have to try some of these Family fun ideas! I am working on a few new designs! Like this Diaper bag!!! Can't wait to share more with all of you!

Sew Spoiled Giveaway!

The giveaway is almost over, so make sure that you make a post! Don't forget to share your favorite family pass times. I have read so many wonderful ways families spend time together. By the way, I forgot to mention that this bag has two interior zipper pockets. One is a slip pocket and the other is a zipper pocket. This pattern is also available at Sew Spoiled Etsy Shop and you can find accessories that you can make to go with your bag at Sew Spoiled Etsy Shop . These patterns are great for beginners because each step includes a picture (and sometimes 3 or 4 pictures:) and if you need any help you can email me and I will quickly respond so you can continue making your new bag!

Ladybug Shoulder Bag Giveaway!

All you have to do is post a comment about "What do you like to do with your family?" on this post to enter to win this gorgeous Sew Spoiled Ladybug Shoulder bag! This giveaway will run through midnight on July 24, 2009. The winner will be announced on July 25, 2009. The Winner will be chosen using I will send it priority mail by July 27, 2009! I will ship internationally, so all friends are welcome! As for me, one of my favorite things to do with my family is to take a jeep drive to the park, walk around and have a picnic lunch. How do you like to spend time with your family? Where do you like to go? What activities do your family enjoy doing together? Good Luck Everyone! Leah

Recycle and Reuse!

I recently received some suits that were on my husband's side of the closet. I did not look at them as suits at all. To me the fabric had done it's duty and now it was time for it to have a little fun! Each suit was a dark color navy with pinstripes, charcoal and black with pinstripes. I found bright fabrics to match like this Amy Butler print Pressed Flowers in Turquoise and white with a white paisley design and patch worked it together. Now my Sew Spoiled Ladybug Mini purse looks classy and sharp. Ladybug Mini Purse recycled suit material Originally uploaded by Sew Spoiled What fabric do you have in your closet? What about the people around you? Do you have a dress you can no longer fit into but has incredible memories? Then give it a new life as your favorite bag! Make more memories!! Find fun fabrics to use from your stash and make something beautiful that you can use again! Have fun! Happy Sewing! Leah

Kiss Lock Purse:)

All done! I love how it turned out! Here is the half way point the first side is tucked in but the second is not yet. The second side is much easier than the first. During the first side I did not have enough glue, I was afraid that it would get all over the fabric, but I applied more and it worked like a dream. I would highly recommend trying this fun project!

My Kiss Lock Clasp Memory Purse

On my desk Originally uploaded by Sew Spoiled I am soooo excited about this project! I found this incredible kit at, you guessed it Etsy!!! At the Cotton Dream Shop you can buy this kit. You receive everything in the picture the pattern, fabric, kiss lock clasp and even interfacing. The only thing you will need that is not in this picture or kit is heavy duty fabric glue and for that I wented to Lisa at UHandbag . She is great check out her blog if you haven't already:) This will be my first attempt at a kiss lock clasp and this is the first type of purse that I remember falling in love with!!! I was only 5 and late for a ballet/ tap class. My mother had forgot that we needed to bring "props" for dance class and so we stopped at my Great- Grandmother's house. Grandma was awesome! Not only could she sew but in her closet were wonderful dress up clothes and jewelry! She let me borrow a Kiss lock clasp purse to take to tap class that day. It was the most beautiful pu...

Rainy Day Dollies, Family Fun!

Today was a rainy day so my daughters and I were stuck inside. My 5 year old, knew she wanted to make something with her hands but what?? We looked in my fabric stash and found fabric markers and printable fabric paper. At this point My 2 year old, got excited!!! I downloaded a few coloring sheets and in no time we were coloring! I pinned the printable fabric to whatever fabric they wanted and used their help to sew around the coloring sheet. (Advice find coloring sheets with simple shapes or just sew a rectangle or circle around the drawing.) We cut the excess fabric and filled the dolls with poly-fil. My girls loved this part! We finally slip stitched the project closed. After tea parties and dancing with princesses our dollies were tire so we put them to bed! I love rainy days! I hope wherever you are you are enjoying time with your families! Happy Sewing! Leah

Weekender Travel Tote2009

Weekender Travel Tote2009 Originally uploaded by Sew Spoiled The Sew Spoiled Weekender Travel Tote is now available!!! This E-book is 19 pages, over 50 photos and 3 full size templates. Materials Needed: Fabric A outer shell (side panels of pleat) .5 yard Fabric B outer shell (inside pleat), tote base, lining and interior pocket 2.5 yards, Fabric C top boarder: .5 yard Fabric D straps: .5 yard Fabric E interior pocket .5 yard Heavy weight interfacing 3 yards (I like to used fusible fleece.) 1 magnet clasp, No Zippers! This stylish tote also makes a wonderful wedding gift, diaper bag or business tote for work.