Well, I have not heard back from Angela:( and today is August 1st so I am going to pick a newwinner. Congratulations to Little Munchkins,who said," Gorgeous bag! My kids adore shopping (must start them young!) so we enjoy going to shopping centres and just walking around." I hope to hear from you soon! Please send the address you would like your bag to be sent to at leah.sewspoiled@gmail.com. Thank you all for sharing your favorite family activites. I will have another giveaway soon! ā------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, I have been baby crazy!!! Not because I am pregnant (Not pregnant! ) but because I am making so many gifts for babies lately. It all started with the Sew Spoiled Ladybug Diaper Bag ( available soon in my Etsy Store ).. Then the Diaper Wipe travel case and now my new favorite is the Bit of Whimsy Dolls !! Have you seen these ePatterns ??? They are available on Etsy , in their shop called Bit ...