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Ladybug Shoulder Bag Giveaway!

All you have to do is post a comment about "What do you like to do with your family?" on this post to enter to win this gorgeous Sew Spoiled Ladybug Shoulder bag! This giveaway will run through midnight on July 24, 2009. The winner will be announced on July 25, 2009. The Winner will be chosen using I will send it priority mail by July 27, 2009! I will ship internationally, so all friends are welcome!
As for me, one of my favorite things to do with my family is to take a jeep drive to the park, walk around and have a picnic lunch. How do you like to spend time with your family? Where do you like to go? What activities do your family enjoy doing together?
Good Luck Everyone!


Zarah saidā€¦
BEAUTIFUL bag!! *keeps fingers crossed*
Well, one of our fave things is to bring my dad, some friends and maybe my sis, meet up with the inlaws, have a nice dinner together & round the evening off with some wine, chitchat & board games.
We always have so much FUN together!
Love that bag!!!

One of our favorite things to do together is have a squirt gun fight in the backyard (the animals have to watch out...they are fair game to the kids!)
OMB saidā€¦
I'm really drooling over that bag. I hope to win!!!!

One of my favorite things to do with my family is to barbecue!!! My parents and my siblings and their families get together for a day full of games, good conversation and great eats!!!!
Liz Jimenez saidā€¦
Who wouldn't want that lovely bag? Gorgeous!

I have two toddlers, so we're usually slaves to their nap and bedtime. But sometimes we throw caution to the wind and just go on an adventure. And they almost always go well. Most recently, we drove up to the beach and a had a late (for them) dinner right on the water! It was great.

Thanks for the generous giveaway!

Liz @ teeny tiny quilts
go to a you pick fruit place.
Leigh saidā€¦
Gorgeous bag!!! I like to spend time outdoors with my family- biking, hiking, fishing, walking, playing. Just enjoying! That is, when the mosquitoes let us!
Unknown saidā€¦
I love the bag! One our favorite things to do as a family is go to the drive in movies! Kids 11 and under are free, so we only have to pay (for a coule more months at least) for my hubby and I and our 16 yr. old. The other 4 kids get in free. Plus, we bring all the food and drinks from home, so it ends up being a pretty cheap way to see 2 movies, without having to worry about unruly kids! We MIGHT get to go see the new Harry Potter there this weekend! Yay!
Mystica saidā€¦
Since my husband and I live in Sri Lanka and my three children live in Australia what I would love to do is just have them home sprawled on our bed just chatting and catching up.

Margaret saidā€¦
Love it! We like to go to the beach -- just about any beach, any season!
Kelly O. saidā€¦
Love the bag!

We have a free community splash pad in town and we love to go their to cool off after a nice summer on the patio.
Unknown saidā€¦
Love the bag. My parents have a home in the mountains and we love to spend time with them there.
Michele saidā€¦
My family loves to gather together in and around the kitchen and cook, laugh, sip, tease, and tell stories.
Gina saidā€¦
We have found we love playing Croquette! It us a great family activity that can span differing ages and abilities.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Once a week my family gathers around a bowl of popcorn, and watch a movie, or plays a game. These nights are the favorite time of the week for me :)
carmel saidā€¦
first of all- thanks for the giveaway

i just love going out with my famely to new places. if its a museum, a zoo, or some other places that are new to all of us and intresting. then i know that we are going to have a great day!
just to get out of the routine of life... thats it....
Emily Gusba saidā€¦
Wow, that's gorgeous! I love, love, love going to the zoo with my family. There's a fave near my hometown, but we like to check out new ones too. So much fun!
Mandy BJ saidā€¦
I love that bag Leah! You are so great talented!

My favorite thing to do with my family is go outside and let my daughter play. She is always so excited to go outside and swing, slide and even play in the dirt. She has slowly learned to throw rocks in mud puddles and to me it is the cutest thing. Just a nice simple evening when I get home from a long day at work.

Hope I win this!
Mollie saidā€¦
Oh, I love the bag:o) One of our favorite family activities is to pile into the car and head to the mountains. We all love to two year old hiked her first trail at 18 months all by herself (up and down:o). We also love to roast hot dogs and marshmallows in the mountains.
Unknown saidā€¦
Love the bag! We like to fish at the lake off my Dad's dock. I get to put the worms on the hooks and take the fish off!
Anonymous saidā€¦
I love to make a fire in our backyard fire ring and sit around it with my family. We roast hot dog, make s'mores and talk as the late afternoon turns to night time.
Anonymous saidā€¦
the bag is pretty pretty. Our family has always like sitting around the dinner table chatting about the day. And, always "going to the cabin" in the mountains on a little lake, where there is swimming, fishing, rowing the boat, or hiking or just a drive thru the forest to see the wildlife and wildflowers.
Whitney saidā€¦
Cute bag! I love to try a new recipe or an old standby for a warm family dinner!
Marlene saidā€¦
We love taking walks together that eventually lead to a park. Parks are great places for exploring together.
What a gorgeous bag!

I love just being with my husband and kids in the mountains, exploring and hiking and being together!

Thanks for the opportunity to win this great bag. (BTW, I'm fairly new to your blog - thanks for the inspiration!)

sosewcrazy saidā€¦
I love to grill hamburgers outside on the grill and go swimming with the family.
Beautiful bag!
Rie saidā€¦
I love to sit at the dinner table with my family. It means we are all together and that doesn't happen very often!
EB saidā€¦
One of our favorite things to do is share a good meal, stories and just enjoy each ones company sharing a few laughs.

Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
I love the bag, its fab! I just love having my family around me and having a good chinwag and laughs.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Such a cute bag! My favorite thing to do with my family is quilt, of course! My mom, a couple of her sisters, her aunt, her sister's daughter's husband's mom (hey, she's family!) and a few friends get together once a month to quilt. We spend an awful lot of time talking and eating, and just enough time sewing to feel productive.
love the bag,, one of our favorite things to do together is gather at somebody's house and have a big cookout and just enjoy hanging out together talking about old times. When we had a camper we loved to go camping at different places.. so much fun.
Lynne in NC saidā€¦
We enjoy our evening family meal together and then we watch a movie or play a board game.
It's our way to connect with each other at the end of the work/school day and share a laugh or two.
9crafty11 saidā€¦
I have always loved going to a park for a picnic, & if we (the family) can with weather permitting go for a picnic. Bring a plate, blanket & some drinks & the kids can run around..what more do you want! I'm glad I held off buying the pattern yet, as I might have chance here..fingers crossed! Thanks Leah!
Oh wow! I love this bag. :) I also love bike riding with my family.
Susan saidā€¦
I love the bag! My family loves to go to the beach in the summer.
Sue saidā€¦
Camping, camping, camping. We love to go camping. Just returned home from a camping trip in fact. Took my Grandson with us and it was a fun week. Sue
aaaandreaaaa saidā€¦
I love to be with my family.
Kat saidā€¦
I love weekends, it's a family affair. My mom and my brothers cook, while me and my dad go to the market to buy fresh produce. Eating is a family passion. =)

katch05 at gmail dot com
Anonymous saidā€¦
As always a totally awesome bag.
Right now it's so hot and stormy in Florida no one wants to do anything!
But we love going to Sea World. It is aways amazing!
Katrina saidā€¦
Yes, you are very talented!
My favorite thing to do with my famiy is take a bike ride.
Kiwifruit-Shiree saidā€¦
Hi Leah,
well my family are grown, and spread around the country and the world, so I love nothing more then having them come home for a visit, but I love nothing more then having as many as possible home for Christmas!
BuggletQuilts saidā€¦
As my family consists of the hubby and the dogs, walking the dogs at a state park is one of our favorite things to do.
Carrie Me! saidā€¦
We love to ride our bikes together, our neighborhood has great bike paths!

Thanks so much for the chance =)
MOMENTS Designs saidā€¦
I love the bag!!
I gotta win the bag !! LOL
one of my favorite things to do with my family if go swimming and wouldn't that bag be perfect for carrying my bathing suit, towel, book and anything else i need in it ??
Cathy M saidā€¦
As my children are now living away from home one of my favorite things to do when we get together is to sit and reminisce about the good old days. We laugh our fool heads off. It is so much fun.
Sarah Doyle saidā€¦
We love gardening! Our little 3 1/2 year old quadruplet grandbabies and their big 5 year old brother, know exactly what are weeds and what are the tomato plants, okra plants, cucumbers, etc. They beg to "work" in the garden.

Sarah J Doyle blog
Karen saidā€¦
Love to watch ballgames (live or tv) and be the's fun, give it a try! Love the bag...really love the bag!!
Christina saidā€¦
what a lovely bag! my husband and i like to play cribbage on our back deck after dark with a fire and glass of wine! summer is not long enough!
christinaleigh1 at gmail dot com
Little Munchkins saidā€¦
Gorgeous bag!

My kids adore shopping (must start them young!) so we enjoy going to shopping centres and just walking around.
grandmarockton saidā€¦
We enjoy FAMILY potlucks/Beef-A-Roo nights where almost everyone gathers to share FOOD and watching the younger members of Family play.
De Quiltkat saidā€¦
Wonderful giveaway, I am such a big fan of your patterns!
I love to have diner with my family, with lots of laughter and chatting!
Sue saidā€¦
I love camping, camping camping. We just came home from camping and it was great. Away and relaxed and just hanging out. Oh I do love it.
Sandra saidā€¦
I like to bbq with my family and I like to make stuff for them (knitwear mostly)
Melissa saidā€¦
Gorgeous bag - wow!!!! One of our favorite things to do as a family is go hang out at the beach. We have a great beach that is only about 10 minutes away on a local river. It's great fun in the summer.
Margaret saidā€¦
What a great bag:)

What does my family like to do... we just discovered Letterboxing and are having a great time searching for the boxes.
MrsSewandSew saidā€¦
Our family likes to visit my father-in-law in the nursing home where he lives. He is 91 and can still play his harmonica and tells wonderful long stories, with his great sense of humor thrown in. He is not your typical elderly man, lol! We usually have a nice dinner together on the way home and catch up on what's going on in our "kids" lives. They are young adults now.
Unknown saidā€¦
I love playing board games with my family. We are all competitive in a good way... LOL if there is a good way to be competitive. :) It is a lot of fun to play games with them.

Great bag too!
Anonymous saidā€¦
My husband's parents live in a beach resort town. When our kids were little, taking a week vacation at their house was an annual event(they were both teachers and off for the summers.) Fast forward many years, we just returned from a long weekend to celebrate my DMIL 71st birthday. All 4 of my children plus 2 spouses and 4 grandchildren were there. It just keeps getting better!
Rhonda saidā€¦
Beautiful bag!
Our family loves to hike together. We take a picnic lunch and enjoy God's beautiful creation.
Nice bag! Because the weekends are always so jammed packed with a lot of other activities, my son and I have Family Game Night on Wednesdays. He cooks dinner (he'll be 17 in August) and I provide snacks and/or dessert. We talk about how things are going so far in the week and make plans for the weekend. It's nice to take a day in the middle of the week and do something just for the both of us.
Emily Ann saidā€¦
I love just going over to my mom's house and cooking out and relaxing around her pond. It's so ahhhmazing spending relaxing time with your loved ones.

Love the bag! Wish I could win it, so I could say I've actually won something in my life, haha! :P
Rosa Maria saidā€¦
Wow! It's the most beautiful handmade bag I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing this beauty! Our best time together is at kitchen when I'm cooking something for us! My husband plays with our 8 months-old boy while the little girl plays cooking with Mummy. It's not fancy but it is just delightful! We love it!
J Sizzle saidā€¦
Cute bag! We love spending afternoons at the library and then hang out in the pool. All to avoid the FL heat!
sb saidā€¦
What an awesome bag! Hubby and I were big travelers before our little one came along a few months ago, so now we do more simple things together: go on walks, watch movies, and the like. Not nearly as exciting, but just as enjoyable!
Sew Spoiled saidā€¦
Congratulations to RiAnge Creations. Ltd., who said, "Nice bag! Because the weekends are always so jammed packed with a lot of other activities, my son and I have Family Game Night on Wednesdays. He cooks dinner (he'll be 17 in August) and I provide snacks and/or dessert. We talk about how things are going so far in the week and make plans for the weekend. It's nice to take a day in the middle of the week and do something just for the both of us.
Angela" That sounds wonderful!!!
I hope you enjoy your new bag! Just send the address you would like your bag to be sent to at

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