This time of year is so special to me because I get to show my gratitude for all of the hard work that goes into teaching my daughters. I love to make handmade gifts and this year is no exception. Since money does not grow on trees around here, I looked at my stash (I keep my scraps in hat boxes ) and tried to see what I had a lot of; small zippers, trims, Peltex strips ( from making iPad cases ), fabric scraps and some hardware for key fobs. So I set to work. Materials: Plastic multipurpose 5" Zipper Fabric Scraps Lightweight interfacing 808 Pellon Trims (We clipped key fobs with 1.5" swivel hooks onto our coin purses . There are tons of tutorials on making key fobs .) Step 1: Print out the Coin Purse Template PDF. Cut 2 main fabric, cut 2 lining and 2 interfacing using the template. Optional: Cut a 2"X2" square of your choice main fabric or lining. This strip of fabric is used to clip a key fob to your coin purse later....
Well, one of our fave things is to bring my dad, some friends and maybe my sis, meet up with the inlaws, have a nice dinner together & round the evening off with some wine, chitchat & board games.
We always have so much FUN together!
One of our favorite things to do together is have a squirt gun fight in the backyard (the animals have to watch out...they are fair game to the kids!)
One of my favorite things to do with my family is to barbecue!!! My parents and my siblings and their families get together for a day full of games, good conversation and great eats!!!!
I have two toddlers, so we're usually slaves to their nap and bedtime. But sometimes we throw caution to the wind and just go on an adventure. And they almost always go well. Most recently, we drove up to the beach and a had a late (for them) dinner right on the water! It was great.
Thanks for the generous giveaway!
Liz @ teeny tiny quilts
We have a free community splash pad in town and we love to go their to cool off after a nice summer on the patio.
i just love going out with my famely to new places. if its a museum, a zoo, or some other places that are new to all of us and intresting. then i know that we are going to have a great day!
just to get out of the routine of life... thats it....
My favorite thing to do with my family is go outside and let my daughter play. She is always so excited to go outside and swing, slide and even play in the dirt. She has slowly learned to throw rocks in mud puddles and to me it is the cutest thing. Just a nice simple evening when I get home from a long day at work.
Hope I win this!
I love just being with my husband and kids in the mountains, exploring and hiking and being together!
Thanks for the opportunity to win this great bag. (BTW, I'm fairly new to your blog - thanks for the inspiration!)
Beautiful bag!
Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
It's our way to connect with each other at the end of the work/school day and share a laugh or two.
katch05 at gmail dot com
Right now it's so hot and stormy in Florida no one wants to do anything!
But we love going to Sea World. It is aways amazing!
My favorite thing to do with my famiy is take a bike ride.
well my family are grown, and spread around the country and the world, so I love nothing more then having them come home for a visit, but I love nothing more then having as many as possible home for Christmas!
Thanks so much for the chance =)
I gotta win the bag !! LOL
one of my favorite things to do with my family if go swimming and wouldn't that bag be perfect for carrying my bathing suit, towel, book and anything else i need in it ??
Sarah J Doyle blog
christinaleigh1 at gmail dot com
My kids adore shopping (must start them young!) so we enjoy going to shopping centres and just walking around.
I love to have diner with my family, with lots of laughter and chatting!
What does my family like to do... we just discovered Letterboxing and are having a great time searching for the boxes.
Great bag too!
Our family loves to hike together. We take a picnic lunch and enjoy God's beautiful creation.
Love the bag! Wish I could win it, so I could say I've actually won something in my life, haha! :P
Angela" That sounds wonderful!!!
I hope you enjoy your new bag! Just send the address you would like your bag to be sent to at