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Fabric Shoppe Giveaway Is Now Closed!

The June giveaway is for a 1/2 yard Bundle of Just Dandy in Blues by Josephine Kimbering for Robert Kaufman, a $45 value with shipping from Fabric Shoppe!!! Earlier this month Jody shared a little about her self and the beginnings of Fabric Shoppe. Jody’s blog Everyday Beautiful features customers beautiful creations, tutorials and the newest modern fabric available in her shop.
Giveaway Rules!
+Our Giveaway will run June 20-24, 2011, with the winner being announced June 25, 2011!
+The winner will be selected by
+The package will be shipped to the winner by June 28, 2011.
+ To enter to win post a comment on this blog post!
+Only one comment please per person.
+This giveaway is open to everyone.
+Leave your EMAIL ADDRESS, you can leave it as: leah(dot)sewspoiled(at)gamil(dot)com
+This giveaway ends June 24, 2011 at 8PM Eastern Standard Time
Thank you Jody for sponsoring our June giveaway from Fabric Shoppe!!


Life Is A Lark said…
Oh I hope I win these fabulous fabrics from this fabulous shop!!!
Michele said…
I really like that collection! Gorgeous!
Shannon said…
Very pretty collection!
Twins Squared said…
Oh, I love these fabrics! I could make so many cute bags out of these! I hope win! Thanks for the chance! twins-squared (at) hotmail (dot) com
they are so pretty
helenjwright at hotmail dot com
Michele said…
Love those colors!
Kelly O. said…
I think this fabric wants to live at my house!
Stephanie said…
Great collection. I could do great things w/ it :)

Anita said…
Sew pretty (okay was that too corny).
Nicole said…
Those are so fabulous and chic! I could make a gorgeous quilt or darling outfits for my daughter out of them! What a great collection and fantastic giveaway! I need more fabric for my fabric stash!!

Unknown said…
WOW...what awesome fabrics love it...hope to win
Georgi said…
Gorgeous! Love the colors!!
~Amanda~ said…
Ohh, I would love to win these gorgeous fabrics!
Evan Becky said…
Sorry I had to delete a post, I forgot to leave my email.

Lindsay said…
beautiful fabric! they would look on my craft table! ;)
ThreadCatcher said…
These fabrics are wonderful! I love the colors and designs. Thanks for the chance to win them.
jmniffer at comcast dot net
Anonymous said…
beautiful fabrics! so many possibilities!
Leigh said…
Wow, I haven't seen that line before and I LOVE it! Thanks for the chance!
Caroline said…
Never seen the fabric before but I really love it ! Hope I win !!


Raddness said…
I don't usually enter giveaways but that fabric is gorgeous!
Sarah W said…
The fabric makes me want to pull out my sewing machine and start stitching! Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the chance to win! I really love that collection.

mom2benandaddy said…
I would love a matching set of fabrics, they are beautiful! sewappealing (at) hotmail (dot) com
Jo Ashcroft said…
Beautiful fabrics!
jojobooster1 (at)gmail (dot) com
Unknown said…
I agree beautiful fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway.

Poetry fan said…
oooh lovely, count me in please - triona(dot)winter(at)gmail(dot)com
Lens said…
Lovely fabrics!! Thank you so much for this chance to win :)
Stephanie said…
I love this fabric. Thanks for a chance to win. mylitlckrets @ gmail
Misty Makes said…
Like the collection!
jerseyjesusgirl said…
Love this collection! Would make some neat projects!
Mary Sue said…
Love the fabric. My daughter-in-law to be loves blue & my son green. What a great combo to make some new kitchen things for their new home together!
~Niki~ said…
oooh, i love blue! this is perfect for a project i already have in my head! a xmas gift for a certain someone ;) thanks for the chance!
Ng said…
Thanks for the giveaway ! The fabrics are so pretty. Hope to win them home. joyenwen(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)sg
Ginger said…
What pretty fabrics!

ginger c at gmail dot com
Sue said…
What an incredible giveaway! Robert Kaufman is one of my favorites. And that Blue Jay pallet is to die for. Thanks for such a wonderful opportunity. I follow on Blogger but here's my email, just in case: smivester(at)bellsouth(dot)net
Host-It Notes said…
This is just what I need in my life! I'm a beginning sewer so I'm still trying to build up a selection of fabric to work with. Love the colors. hostess(at)host-itnotes(dot)com
Christina W. said…
I love the colors! I'm just building my stash and would love this collection!
hueisei said…
Thanks for the generous fabrics giveaways!!!! Loves the fabrics color.. I hope I am the lucky one to win this...
Cheers from hueisei(at)gmail(dot)com
mARTeee said…
I like that collection!
juhasz_marta(at)yahoo (dot) co(dot) uk
lovely! thanks!

Craftcherry said…
What a beautiful combination of fabrics! I would love to get my hands on that!
newlywades at rocketmail dot com
Beth said…
Lovely fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!
Rachel said…
Beautiful collection, they'd be perfect for any project!
oh, these would make very cute clothes for my daughters! if i win, my e-mail is mvk(dot)fashion(at)gmail(dot)com
Ruth said…
I followed your blog from Flickr. I love to sew and I love to read about sewing, and it looks like you have a great blog.
Anonymous said…
I am really starting to appreciate blues and these are lovely!
Mandy BJ said…
I would love to win these fabrics...and get started on some challenges I have for myself.
Cheri Reinke said…
Can't wait to sew my iPad case! Thanks for a great site!
Elena said…
So pretty! I could use some fresher blues in my stash!
Ebe. said…
lovely fabrics:x
Hailey said…
Very pretty collection. Love the blues!
Beth said…
This fabric is fabulous! Oh the bags I could make with these!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Thanks for the Project Runway post, too. I'm putting my hat in for this giveaway!

joen said…
Love the fabric color combination of the give away! joengreen(at)yahoo(dot)com
taba june said…
Love the fabric and your patterns. You are very talented.
Tabitha Marus
Pazia said…
love this fabric collection. I see beautiful things in my little girls future.
Meredith said…
I'd love to win this. Experiencing a personal slump and I'd love this mini stash to being me out of it!
Sandy said…
So in need of a pick me up!! Had to move into an Apt. while builder fixes our house. And there are sumo wrestlers living above us
Patricia said…
so very pretty, and i love your patterns

Two Cheeks said…
What gorgeous fabric!

Anonymous said…
What fun and beautiful fabrics! I would love to make myself a purse with them.
Mama Lusco said…
Wonderful fabrics! Thank you. luscofamily at ortelco dot net
thanks for sharing information.

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