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Happy Halloween Giveaway 2011!

Happy Halloween!
This giveaway is for 6 fat quarters of Amy Butler’s newest collection called Lark.
The winner will receive one fat quarter of each of these prints…
Sun Glow in Jade
Ivy Bloom in Cinder
Floral Couture in Pitch
Sparkle in Pitch
Souvenir in Lemon
River Shine in Charcoal.
Giveaway Rules!
+Our Giveaway will run October 31- November 3, 2011, 
with the winner being announced November 4, 2011!
+The winner will be selected by
+The Amy Butler, Lark bundle of 6 fat quarters will be mailed to the winner by November 5, 2011.
+ To enter to win post a comment on this blog post!
+Only one comment please per person.
+This giveaway is open to everyone.
+Leave your EMAIL ADDRESS, you can leave it as: leah(dot)sewspoiled(at)gamil(dot)com
+This giveaway ends November 3, 2011 at 8PM Eastern Standard Time.
November’s blog theme is Semi- Handmade!



Jenni said…
Oh those are lovely! Thanks for the chance to win.
Sandy said…
That fabric is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for the giveaway.
Shelbi said…
This is beautiful fabric and I want to thank you for sharing with everyone.

Craftcherry said…
What a beautiful selection! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
What a sweet treat for Halloween! Thanks for the giveaway.
Michele said…
Gorgeous fabric!

Love your laptop bag pattern. People are always hinting that they want me to make them one after seeing mine!

Looking forward to the semi-homemade series!!
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
Ashley Doodle said…
Would love to make myself a new iPad case out of this beautiful fabric!
LaurieG said…
Amy Butler fabric is just so yummy. What a wonderful giveaway.
WandaFish said…
What a gorgeous, generous giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win such lovely fabric :)
kr said…
Lovely fabric. I'd love to win.

sew mommy at windstream dot net
Jo Ashcroft said…
Wow! I know just the bags to make with these

jojobooster1 (at) gmail (dot) com
Ginger said…
Love the new Amy Butler collection.

ginger c at gmail dot com
abc said…
Great fabrics for some handmade Christmas gifts!! Thanks for the giveaway!

danielletollerson at gmail dot com
Twins Squared said…
What a nice giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
twins-squared (at) hotmail (dot) com
Host-It Notes said…
Ooh, fun giveaway! Looking forward to next month's theme, too! hostess(at)host-itnotes(dot)com
Georgi said…
Oh my gosh! I haven't seen this fabric yet ~ thanks for the chance to win!! (fingers crossed)

Heather A said…
Gorgeous fabrics! Thanks for the chance to win some, you generous soul!
shell said…
Thanks for the chance to win such gorgeous fabric!!!! I love it !!!
Eileen said…
love these bright fabrics.
Wow, this is definitely the best trick or treat ever! These would be great to sew up into stylish xmas gifts.

hpennie at amtelecom dot net
Elisabeth said…
I love "Lark", the prints are so pretty. Thank you very much for this lovely giveaway!
Anonymous said…
Ooh yes please!

Michele said…
Amy does it again! I love her new collection.
Anonymous said…
I've been oggling that new line. So beautiful!

my e mail is:
emeraldcityemporium @
Marlies said…
I love those fabrics, thank you for the this give-away.
I love Amy Butler Fabrics and thanks for the give away.
Wow! How generous. My local store does not have Lark. I love this new line....I would like to make myself a dress with some of the prints mixed together.

maddymaze (at) earthlink(dot) net
Andi said…
I love the new Amy Butler line. As usual, her fabrics are gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway.

WOW! Amy's new fabric collection... Please pick me! By the way, I loved the jeans skirt with details in red! I just loved it!
Margaret said…
I love that combination of fabric!
I would love a chance to win them. Thanks.

Shirley said…
Oh this bundle, it's like butta! :). A package of this could really cheer me up after this crazy week
Shirley said…
Fabulous giveaway...thanks for the opportunity these gorgeous fabrics!
Mama Lusco said…
Beautiful fabrics! Thank you. mamalusco at ortelco dot net
Lexi said…
Wow! They're gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway
GO..... said…
Gorgeous fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!
Melissa said…
These fabrics are all so gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway!

lisa said…
WONDERFUL GIVEAWAY! The prints are great!!
Beautiful fabric!
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com
Becky H said…
Pretty! Lots of ideas come to mind when I look at those designs. Thanks for the chance to win and have a blessed day!
Jessie said…
I love the collection. Dreaming of new things to make.
improvjessie (at)
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I'm diggin the fabric, really cool colors! This is a great giveaway! Me please!
My Gypsy Soul said…
Such fun colors and patterns!

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