I love embroidery! You would think that it would get old being able to monogram anything to my hearts content. You might think all of my clothes, pillows, towels, etc. are monogrammed. I monogram mostly for others. Today is a selfish sewing day and I am going to monogram this t-shirt. It is a cute shirt that has a message on the back but no lapel design, so I am going to monogram the front.

I have these dots that help with the placement of the design. They are called target stickers I received them in the Perfect Placement Kit I received for Christmas as a gift. Honestly, at first I thought I would never use the kit at all but it has been an extremely helpful tool!
The kit comes with...
- 11 Perfect Placement templates for linens
- 4 Perfect Placement plastic templates for wearables
- 30 Target Stickers
- a CD tutorial guide

I have found that when embroidering a knit shirt you need to use heavier stabilizer. I used Pellon 808 or 809. There are probably better choices but this is what I had on hand. I also did not have any sticky spray so I used double sided tape above and below the design.

After I placed my shirt on top of the hoop, I took off the sticker and let the machine start to embroider.

I always use a baste stitch around the design to hold the fabric to the hoop.