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Showing posts from September, 2011

Sew Spoiled September Giveaway!

I have had so much fun this month with Learning to Sew with you! I hope you have pick up a few tips and tricks along the way. Donā€™t forget all month you can receive 15% off all Sew Spoiled Patterns by entering the Coupon Code: SEWTEACHME . Only available in my Sew Spoiled Etsy Shop for the entire month of September 2011. Now for the Sew Spoiled September Giveaway! It is for a Sew Spoiled Bundle Pattern Package of 4!! That means the winner will choose 4 Sew Spoiled Patterns from my Etsy Shop. Simply post a comment on this blog post to enter to win. Please one post per blogger. The winner will pick 4 patterns from any of theseā€¦ Sew Spoiled iPad Folding Case Sew Spoiled Ladybug Apron Sew Spoiled French Cuff Tote Sew Spoiled Ladybug Diaper Bag Sew Spoiled Versatile Bag Sew Spoiled Wristlet Sew Spoiled Gadget Pouch Sew Spoiled Ladybug Mini Purse Sew Spoiled Presto Wallet Sew Spoiled Laptop Sleeve    Sew Spoiled Ladybug shoulder Bag Sew Spoiled Cabrio Tote Sew Spoiled Smart Pocket...

New Crafsty Website!

Crafsty has a new fun website! You can create a profile and upload your own favorite projects! They also have online classes for all skill levels. Each class is a collection of tutorial videos by experts in each craft. You can see Gretchen Hirschā€™s, Sew Retro class is on the front page. I think I might have to sign up. (Smiles) Have you tried an online sewing class? What was your favorite part?? Let us know your thoughts!

Commonly used Sewing Terms

Baste stitch is to sew two pieces together with longer stitches, and just enough stitches to keep the pieces together. It is used when pinning would not be enough to secure the two fabrics together. This technique is used so you can go back and sew without the fabric shifting around. Picture from Sew Spoiled Wristlet Pattern. Gather- I like to use a long baste style stitch and tug at the bobbin threads. This pulls the fabric together like a shower curtain on a rod. Picture from Sew Spoiled Cabrio Tote Pattern Hem is to make a finished edge. You usually turn the raw edge over twice and sew the edge of the fold. Picture from the Sew Spoiled Ladybug Apron Pattern. Patchwork is to sew two or more fabric pieces together. Picture from Sew Spoiled Tic Tac Toe Pincushion Tutorial. Rights Sides Together means to place two pieces of fabric together and the pretty sides are touching. Picture from Sew Spoiled iPad Folding Case Pattern. Seam Allowance is the distance from the raw edge to the st...

Measuring for Sewing Patterns

There are some great sites for learning how to measure your body. It is best to do this with a friend who can help you hold the measuring tape around your body. If you do not have a close friend nearby to help you. Remember you have a closet filled with clothes that fit the way you like. Take the measurements of your clothes and then add 2ā€ for ease and seam allowance. This technique can also help you choose the correct template size to cut out for a new sewing pattern. Fit Help: Body measurements and determining the right pattern size How To Choose Your Correct Size | Vogue Patterns Sewing For Dummies Cheat Sheet - For Dummies How to Measure Up - Threads Here is a cute worksheet you can print and write down the measurements. It is nice to keep these over the years to see their growth. Child Measurement Worksheet This worksheet by Keyka Lou Patterns is so wonderful. Keyka Lou Measurement worksheet

What should you look for??

When you first set your eyes on a sewing pattern you should look for some information from the pattern. What do you need to know? 1. The end productā€™s size.         2.        The amount of fabric needed to start the sewing pattern. (Make sure you have all the sewing supplies you need to start.)         3. Skill level or what sewing techniques you might need to know before sewing the pattern. (If you do not know a technique remember you can look it up or watch a video tutorial.) Usually, you can find the answers to all of these questions on the back of the envelope or the pattern description if it is a Epattern. If you are a novice sewer, I would choose a pattern that is labeled Easy. Look for straight stitching, with no curves. Also I would not choose a close fitting outfit. Look for loose fitting clothes or maybe a pattern that size does not matter, perhaps a bag, ap...

Reading a Pattern Week

This week is all about reading a sewing pattern!! We will show you where to look and what you need to know from your pattern before you start on your sewing adventure. Here is this weeks line up; Tuesday= What you need to know? Wednesday= Sizing Friday= Frequently used Sewing Terms Also all month you can receive 15% off all Sew Spoiled Patterns by entering the Coupon Code: SEWTEACHME . Only available in at Sew Spoiledā€™s Etsy Shop for the entire month of September 2011.

Free Sewing Patterns and Collections

I love . I started collecting epatterns at YCMT and then began writing my own in 2008. FREE! | Apron in an Hour by Jona Giammalva This is always my first suggestion to any beginner seamstress! Sleep in Late Pillowcase by Sew Spoiled Please take a look at my other free Sew Spoiled Tutorials . Creative Little Daisy Tutorials by Creative Little Daisy She too is from NC, I love Autumā€™s blog! Skirt Patterns The first project you make to wear should be a Skirt! Sewing Stuff - free sewing patterns This site has everything but I love all of the sewing for charity tutorials! adventures in home-making: The world's best sewing tutorials This is where I found a plastic grocery bag holder tutorial but it has tons of tutorials. :: verypurpleperson :: She has such a cute sense of style! I made this hat from one of her summer tutorials. eloleo: GRATIS 100en patronen This is only one of many tutorials in this collection. Also she has collected tutorials from...

Learn to Sew Online!

What better way to learn? Online! You get to be in the comfort of your own home. Set up your laptop, sewing machine and notions and you are ready to learn. Here are some of my favorite video sites!!! Sewing Techniques, Tutorials, Lessons, Videos, Photos ā€“ Learning Sewing | You can make a free Burda profile and add your projects to the mix. Featured Videos Sew Whatā€™s New has a video bank full of sewing how toā€™s!!! The DIY Dish The DIY Dish has many tv episodes. Showing how to make everything from aprons to pillows. Teach Yourself to Sew -- Sewing for Beginners Video Series: Tips, Techniques, Projects and More from Threads Magazine Crafsty Crafsty has instruction videos that you pay for to learn about sewing or other crafts by a well know crafter. I hope you enjoyed these video sites. If you know of any fun sewing video sites that are not listed here please post a comment with your favorite sewing videos! I would love to see your favorites!

Sewing Book Bliss

You can learn so much from a book. I love each of these sewing books for different reasons. I hope you are able to pick up at least one of these and learn a new sewing technique or make a beautiful new handmade piece. Bend-The-Rules Sewing by Amy Karol Sewing today is not like it was when your grandmother started to learn. Sewing in a Straight Line by Brett Bara Look at this skirt! It is perfect! I want one too! Most of sewing is in a straight line! Me and My Sewing Machine by Kate Hazel To know your sewing machine, is to know your best friend. Sew Everything Workshop by Diana Rupp Diana Rupp makes everything look so easy and fun! Chic and Simple Swelling by Christine Haynes These clothes almost make themselves! This is the perfect book if you want to learn to sew your own wardrobe. Nancy Zeiden's Sewing A to Z If you want to learn a new technique or you need a reference guide this is the book for you. Weekend Sewing by Heather Ross I have made 5 patterns from Heather Rossā€™s book,...