Fabric is super important when it comes to sewing. If you buy poor quality fabrics you will notice the color fades quickly, the bobbin casing gets clogged with huge dust bunnies and you might even loose interest of a potentially cute project. That is why I like to buy fabric online or from local fabric shops. It is also great to support these smaller shops because many of them are WAHMs (Working At Home Momās) and/or local people in your own community. I have also experienced better customer service with these types of shops.
Recently, at a large fabric store, who will remain nameless. I saw a fellow seamstress ask for help. The manager was on the phone and the register line started to back up. The fellow seamstress had bought an Amy Butler pattern and wanted to find the fabric on the cover. The register line was beginning to get long, the manager said that she could not help her and then proceeded to ignore her. The seamstress left the shop in distress going straight out the door. If you are not receiving good customer service, please choose to shop for fabric somewhere else. You deserve great customer service with people who know and love to sew.
Many brick and mortar fabric stores owned privately have fun sewing classes you can attend. Sewing has throughout history been a social experience, example quilting. Many classes start with you bringing your own machine from home and learning how to use it by making a simple pattern. In a class you will feel empowered to try new things and the fabric is right there, so they can help you choose your supplies. Fabric shopping should be fun and exciting.
The possibilities are endless!
it is not the place to shop.