I love YouCanMakeThis.com. I started collecting epatterns at YCMT and then began writing my own in 2008.
Apron in an Hour by Jona Giammalva
This is always my first suggestion to any beginner seamstress!
Sleep in Late Pillowcase by Sew Spoiled
Please take a look at my other free Sew Spoiled Tutorials.
Creative Little Daisy Tutorials by Creative Little Daisy
She too is from NC, I love Autumās blog!
The first project you make to wear should be a Skirt!
This site has everything but I love all of the sewing for charity tutorials!
This is where I found a plastic grocery bag holder tutorial but it has tons of tutorials.
She has such a cute sense of style! I made this hat from one of her summer tutorials.
This is only one of many tutorials in this collection. Also she has collected tutorials from all around the world!
I hope you enjoy these sites.