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Sewing Blogs and Websites!

These are inspirational sewing blogs and websites that will give you so much sewing information that your head might explode if you sit down and read all of it at once. I was going to list them in a top 10 format but they are All so awesome I could not rank them.
Noodle head
and of course
Sew Spoiled
These are websites you may want to belong to or join.
Websites: - you can create a profile account and show off your sewing projects.
CraftGossip - Shows you the news craft projects online. - you can look up sewing instructors, free projects and more.
Threads - For People Who Love to Sew - This is through Threads Magazine. They have a section on learning to sew.
All Free Sewing - Free sewing patterns
One Pretty Thing - DIY craft tutorials - Shows you the news craft projects online.
Crafsty -Online Classes
You Can Make This - PDF Patterns and free projects too.
Sewing Mamas - Sewing Forums for any questions you may have.
Sew4Home - Home related sewing projects.
Creating a Flickr, PhotoBucket or ShutterFly account can help you share pictures of sewing projects and get inspired to sew more by seeing what others have created using some of the same sewing patterns.
Creating a blog through Wordpress or Blogger can help you journal your sewing adventures.
Honestly, I think a journal is the best way to learn more about yourself and how you learn best. In college I wrote a journal about my learning experiences as a musician and I learned more that way than taking any tests. I think students should also do this in school.
Standardized testing is not the best way to find out what our students know.
I hope you enjoyed these sites. If you know of any fun sewing sites that are not listed here please post a comment with your favorite sewing blog or website! I would love to see your favorites!
Tomorrow we will talk about sewing books! Canā€™t wait!


Sandy saidā€¦
Thank you so much... some of these I already follow, some I don't, so I can't wait to check them out!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Thank you so much for taking time to put these lists together. I am a new blogger and these will be so useful for me. :)
Grammy Trudy saidā€¦
Enjoyed your site very much, I too have a website that I am trying very hard to get off the ground. I would appreciate it if you could take a moment and check it out and leave a comment. I need all the help I can get. Thank you so much,
My site:
Anonymous saidā€¦
Thank you so much for putting all these resources together for us sewers, as i am a novice learning to create my own patterns and apparel line. They look to be very helpful, and some i am already a devote to. Thank you, Pattern Princess.
Claudia saidā€¦
Great list to follow, thanks for sharing.

Jamie saidā€¦
I sell premade felt stockings at I will do stocking kits you have as well. Best of all, they come personalized and lined for FREE. If you would like one of these treasures, feel free to contact me!
Katie saidā€¦
Dear Leah, I love this blog! Sewing is definitely back in fashion and is very addictive! I've developed my sewing skills in the last few years and am trying to teach other beginners to learn in stages too with simple sewing kits I wanted to make clothing for my daughter and started my sewing projects when I was pregnant. It's very therapeutic! I'd be so grateful if you'd consider listing my site under your 'websites' sections xx
Unknown saidā€¦
Please, please help me decide about buying a smocking pleater. I have successfully completed my first baby smocked dress. I 'd love to do more . The hand marking is horribly tedious. a pleater seems the way to go. Who has experience with one? How easily do they work? etc.
Anonymous saidā€¦
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
tran bao ngoc saidā€¦
Iā€™d like to call attention to Charlieā€™s comment: in addition to the excellent website, staying abreast of blog postings about their company and commenting on them is a sure sign they understand the Internet, in a way that very few companies in the Apparel industry do.
Anonymous saidā€¦
thanks so much! very helpful info here for sewing patterns.
John Carter saidā€¦
Great post, the lists were very useful.

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